Experimental Stock Market Data
This is an experimental page that provides recent stock market
information. It is updated automatically, usually between 7:00
p.m. EDT and 9:00 p.m. EDT, from an email source in California to
reflect the current day's closing information. It consists of general
market news and quotes for selected stocks. Not all stocks are
included here; see here
for the ticker symbols of the included stocks.
Stock prices are "Deemed reliable, but never guaranteed." For
reliable stock prices consult a licensed stockbroker or a reputable
financial newspaper or service. The charts available below are part
of a free value-added service provided as an experiment by Mark
Torrance at the M.I.T. Artificial
Intelligence Laboratory.
Please do not send mail to request that this service track
a given stock that is not provided in the source data; I have
no control over which stocks are provided.
Please send mail to the stockmaster at the address below if any of the
following is true:
- If you know the name of a company which this service tracks,
currently listed as "(unknown)" or with the wrong company name
- If you know the name and symbol for a mutual fund which you would
like to have added to the mutual fund charts page, and which
you are sure is present in my source data from InterTrade
- If you have specific suggestions for ways to improve the service
I cannot guarantee a response to your message; usage of this service
has increased dramatically since it was mentioned in an article in
the Washington Post business section on April 10, 1994 .
The Stockmaster
Mark C. Torrance
M.I.T. AI Lab Graduate Student
Please send email only to: