dBASE for Windows: Introduction for Clipper Developers

Table of Contents

Executive Summary


Write Windows Applications, Today!

Easy-to-Use Windows Tools

Debugging and Testing

Create Object-Oriented Applications

Add Power to Your Applications with Arrays and Code Blocks

Take Advantage of Improved Network Functionality

Full Transaction Processing, Even on .DBF Files

SQL Transactions

Make Code More Readable with the Preprocessor

Write Client/Server Applications Now!

Create Royalty-Free Applications with the Distribution Kit

Future Direction

Executive Summary

Leverage Existing Knowledge While Moving to Windows and Client/Server

The syntax used in dBASE for Windows is very similar to that used in Clipper. Features such as code blocks and multidimensional arrays allow you to use techniques you've already perfected while breaking out of the DOS world and developing true Windows applications. Not only that, but the applications you develop are client/server applications that can access a wide range of external database engines such as Sybase's SQL Server, Oracle's Oracle Server and Borland's InterBase Server.

Use Object Orientation to Create Reusable Code, Faster

As you probably already know from your work with Clipper, object-oriented languages create classes that contain all the code necessary to perform a given task. Since these classes are completely self-contained, it is easy to reuse them in many applications. The more code you can reuse, the more applications you can produce, which means more money earned. Reusing existing code also means less time spent in maintenance, since the code has already been tested.

Open Architecture Provides Support for Windows Environment

dBASE for Windows supports OLE and DDE, and allows direct access to common Windows dialogs. You can choose whether to use built-in dBASE for Windows commands, functions and DLLs to write Windows applications, or to use the Windows API to call native Windows functions. Either way, the result is a, event-driven, true Windows application.

Seamless Scalability from Desktop to Enterprise-Wide Systems

Although your applications may now be managing well with .DBF files, you might eventually want to move to the security and larger capacity of an SQL server. In fact, many corporations use applications that use both local tables stored in .DBF files and SQL tables stored on a centralized server. dBASE for Windows isolates you from the specific syntax used by any one database engine, and allows you to seamlessly access data stored in SQL, .DBF and Paradox tables. This means you can choose the appropriate engine for the task at hand.


Clipper has long been known for its powerful, elegant language. Whether you started programming in dBASE or whether your experience is in other languages such as C, Clipper has been a popular choice for developing DOS applications.

But what happens when DOS is no longer enough, and your customers are calling for Windows applications? What do you do when you need object orientation built into the language? How do you answer your company's demand for SQL support from the language vendor? Truth is, with Clipper, you can't.

You made the right choice choosing Clipper for DOS development, but it's time to move on. The things you like and are accustomed to in Clipper are right here in dBASE for Windows. Multidimensional arrays, code blocks, object orientation, and many others. There's no need to learn a whole new language, and a lot of your existing Clipper code can be used without changes. So why wait any longer?

dBASE for Windows is a powerful, easy to use language from a vendor with years of experience developing programming languages. In this paper, we'll show you just how easy the switch can be. We think you'll like what you see.

Continue to "Write Windows Applications, Today!"
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Copyright © 1995 Borland International, Inc.
Last modified March 26, 1995