Halley's Comet


Spacecraft that have Visited Halley's Comet


Halley's [HAL-lee] Comet has been know since at least 240 BC and possibly since 1059 BC. Its most famous appearance was in 1066 AD when it was seen right before the Battle of Hastings. It was named after Edmund Halley who calculated its orbit. He determined that the comets seen in 1531 and in 1607 were the same comet, that it followed a 76 year orbit and that it would return in 1758. Unfortunately, Edmund Halley died in 1742 and never saw his prediction come true on Christmas eve of 1758 when the comet returned.

Halley's Comet put on bright shows in 1835 and in 1910. Then in 1984 and 1985, five spacecraft from the U.S.S.R., Japan and Euorpe were launched to make a rendevous with Halley's Comet in 1986. One of NASA's deep space satellites was redirected to monitor the solar wind upstream from Halley. Only three comets have ever been studied by spacecraft. The first, Comet Giacobini-Zinner, was in 1985. Halley was in 1986 and then Comet Grigg-Skjellerup on July 10th, 1992. The nucleus of Halley is ellipsoidal in shape and measures approximately 16x8x8 km.

Halley's Comet Statistics


Views of Halley's Comet

Ion Tail (GIF, 1M)
The well developed tail structure of Comet Halley was captured in this image taken March 5, 1986. At this point in its orbit, Halley had recently passed perihelion on February 9, 1986 and was at its most active. This 10 minute exposure was recorded at Mauna Kea Observatory on IIIa-J emulsion without filters. This image shows both the ion and dust tail, with the latter stretching for over 6 degrees on the sky. (Courtesy NASA/JPL).

Detachment Event (GIF, 310K)
One of the more spectacular changes recorded for Halley during an apparition was the detachment event that happened April 12, 1986. This 3 minute exposure was taken using the Michigan Schmidt telescope at Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory. The resulting image clearly shows part of the ion tail structure detached from the comet. At this period, the orientation of the comet is such that the tail is foreshortened, with the prolonged radius vector pointing west of north. (Courtesy NASA/JPL).

Ray Structure (GIF, 1M)
An example of the ray structure of Halley was captured on March 19, 1986, at the Mount Wilson/Las Campanas Observatories. This 10 minute exposure was recorded at the focus of the 100 inch telescope on Las Camapanas in Chile. The close up image, covering the inner 1 degree of the comet, shows a prolonged radius vector extending to the left. (Courtesy NASA/JPL).

Halley's Comets in 1910 (GIF, 93K)
This image of Halley's Comets was taken during its 1910 appearance.

Halley's Comets in 1986 (GIF, 158K)
This image of Halley's Comets was taken during its 1986 appearance.


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Copyright © 1995 by Calvin J. Hamilton. All rights reserved.
Last Modified: March 2, 1995