TEL++49-30-467082-0 FAX++49-30-46307-658 (2nd June 95)

Welcome! You are in Cellware manufactures ATM products. Feel free to look around.

Alphabetical list of Cellware WWW pages
Cellware company profile
Video On Demand (VOD) using CELL-MASTER
Q.2931 signalling software from Cellware
VMEbus ATM boards from Cellware
The latest news about us
CELL-MASTER installation in Frankfurt. Voice over ATM!
How to find us in Berlin
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Cellware distributors
Basics about ATM (text 16kbyte, images 35 kbyte)
AAL1 discussion - timing, use with video

Christo is wrapping up the Reichstag in Berlin


Byte's Best of CeBIT awards 95. Winner - Best Connectivity Hardware

Cell-Master, from Cellware. A device that allows for voice traffic to be carried over the same ATM link that carries local-area network traffic. Combining voice and data onto one access line can lead to substantial cost savings.

CELL-MASTER is an ATM service multiplexer providing, in one system, access to public or private ATM for a range of different applications e.g.for

equipment designed for SMDS
conventional LANs e.g.FDDI
voice services
video services e.g.Video On Demand (VOD)

CELL-MASTER can be a single-function adapter or a larger multi-function system. See news of an example CELL-MASTER installation in Frankfurt


is an ATM DSU, and is designed to connect equipment with an HSSI/DXI (SMDS) interface to ATM. Most routers have this interface.


is a terminal adapter for transparent interconnection of PABXs (telephone exchanges) via a public ATM network. This adapter provides a 2 Mbit/s or 1.5 Mbit/s circuit emulation service.


is a terminal adapter for the interconnection of FDDI LANs using IP traffic via a public ATM network.

ATM components

If you are developing your own ATM systems, you can use components from Cellware

Q.2931 signalling software - (10kbyte text - 10kbyte image)
Cellware's VMEbus boards


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Cellware GmbH, Gustav-Meyer-Allee 25, D 13355 Berlin, Germany