Welcome to Principia Consulting's WWW Server
Principia Consulting offers expert training in all aspects of
general Mathematicaconsulting, and custom
programming to solve specific problems.
We currently offer the following workshops:
Click on the title of any workshop for more information about that workshop,
or click here for general information about
all workshops.
The instructor for
all workshops is David B. Wagner, Ph.D.,
the president and founder of Principia Consulting.
Click here for information on fees and
availability of regularly scheduled workshops.
Click here for information about scheduling a
group workshop, either on- or off-site, for your organization.
How to Contact Principia
- Voice: (303) 786-8371
- Fax: call the voice line for instructions
- Email: princon@csn.net
- USMail:
Principia Consulting
3841 Orion Court
Boulder, CO 80304-1024
Mathematica is a registered trademark of
Wolfram Research, Inc.
Principia Consulting/(303) 786-8371/princon@csn.net