The Calgary Unix Users Group (CUUG)

Welcome to the the CUUG information pages. As our name implies, CUUG is an association of Unix professionals and enthusiasts located in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. More information on CUUG, our objectives, and our generous sponsors is available.

CUUG Information

CUUG is the largest Unix users' group in North America with 1200+ members. All of CUUG's daily operations are handled by a dedicated team of volunteers. *NEW* Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology now resides on CUUG's machines. Have a look!

Search CUUG's Web Pages.
CUUG Help Desk.

CUUG's Sponsors

Note to our sponsors, if you would like your logo in the sponsor list, please send a .gif file (uuencoded) to so that it can be included in this WWW page.
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