CUUG is starting its own registry of Calgary and area schools on the Internet, if you would like to have your school listed please send e-mail to Schools containing the following information :
line 1. school name, grades, location (ie.calgary or town name) line 2. e-mail address(es) upto 8 lines what you're doing/interested in what you want to do gif. If your school has a coat-of-arms, school banner, or mascot that you think would be interesting, include a very small gif of it, no larger than 64x64
Note that this registration is NOT related to your Canadas Schoolnet registration. To be complete you really should register in both places.
Bishop Pinkham Jr. High School, Gr. 7-9, Calgary
Using Clarisworks, Hypercard, Power Point, La Correcteur
Seeking bilingual correspondents gr. 7-9 as elec. pen-pals
also, lesson plan sharing amongst teachers in bilingual program and technology plans, ideas, etc.
Fish Creek School, K-6, Calgary
We are using ClairsWorks/Draw/Paint and KidPix, and doing HyperStudio projects
We are seeking G.2 (english writing level) keypals in Japan, on communities
John Ware Jr. High, grades 7 to 9
Motto: The Pride and Joy.
Computers are a tool at our school used to enhance learning. Our network extends to our classrooms and 2 computer labs. Every student has their own directory, with teacher access.
Our student e-mail is via Eudora for Internet and Public Address for Fidonet (1:134/95). You can reach our BBS at (403 777 7939) and please visit our WWW Home Page.
Langevin Elm/JH , Calgary Gr. K-9
We are a high tech school using Macintosh computers to develop multimedia presentations for teachers and students. We also have out own FirstClass BBS for in school and telecom users.
We would like to have our own home page of WWW and produce our first video created on our Macintosh platform.
R. T. Alderman - Grades 7,8,9; Calgary, Alberta Canada
At R. T. Alderman we have a Macintosh Computer Lab for instructional purposes as well as a PC student centred research area in the library. We are interested in developing joint projects with other school in Calgary and around the world. Please visit our new home page.
St. Stephen Elementary & Junior High School, K-9, Calgary
Windows3.1.1, scanner, multimedia, programming, & science tools interested in projects related to teacher & student development
We log onto NASA and download pictures to use in presentations, access lesson plans from around the world by gopher (using a veronica search). We use lynx to get access to the WWW and find administrative materials etc. Not to mention email with elm and pine, oh and trn for the alt. news groups.
Simon Fraser School, Grades 7,8,9, Calgary
school address for student Email on BBS is...
Our students & teachers are looking for telecom. partners for writers workshops and conferencing, French/English Penpals, etc. Inschool BBS offers wide access All students have Internet Email, CU-SeeMe experimenting, Low cost approaches..
William Aberhart High School, Calgary
William Aberhart High School has been using the Internet for three years. Much of the focus of our use has been through a small group of students called Navigators, who have email access through any of 200 or so terminals on the Aberhart distributed network. These students also have access to guest accounts at ETU1 at the U of C where they have the full suite of Internet powertools. The Navigators are a resource to students and staff for many different activities including: -teaching teachers the use of computers and the Internet -supervising non Navigator students access to the Internet -assisting teachers and students to conduct research activities using Lynx (Webcrawler,Lycos,bookmarks etc.) and Gopher (Veronica) -assisting other educators and students from other schools, usually remotely, but occassionally on site. One unusual activity has been to supervise CALM students use of the on line Meyers Briggs personality test. Several Navigators teach or tutor for the Calgary Freenet. ABE's distributed network is going through a transition that will make local applications (CDROMS and Shareware) and Netscape available on any PC in the building.
Below is the list of the Calgary schools that were registered with Canada Schoolnet as of March 1995.
Below is the list of the Alberta schools outside of Calgary that were registered with Canada Schoolnet as of March 1995.
Sam Johnston