A Little About Me

[My Ugly Mug]

Me at work. Note the stylish attire.

[Me Goin' For It]

Me in a motocross race... The good ol' days. (circa 1985)

Ok... Well, I'm 25 years old and single, and live in a condo in Calgary, Alberta. I was born far away in Kingston, Rhode Island, and have the luxury of both Canadian and American citizenships (wow, health care and missiles!!).

I work as a software engineer, and I am primarily a Mac fanatic. Although we cybergeeks are the kings of the internet, we don't have the most glamerous jobs as far as the Real World is concerned, but it's a living. Lately have been waking up in a cold sweat, realizing I am Dilbert. Having dealt with that, I don my white socks and pocket protector, and go to work to do some programmin'.

Actually, I make a concerted effort to avoid sinking into computer dweeb couch-potato hell by trying to stay active and interesting, and avoiding Star Trek at all costs (although I do have a bit of a Babylon 5 problem that I am trying to work out). I like cycling, skiing, motorcycles, cars, photography, music, and movies. I'm a bit of a barfly, but that's only because Tequila tastes so darn good. So, if you live in Calgary, you can often find me hitting on the beer tub girls at The Back Alley (or trying to figure out a way to impress them with my car).

Anyway, that's probably as much information as anyone could possibly want to know, so browse on, and enjoy my pages.



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These pages and their contents Copyright 1995, Darik Datta. All rights reserved.
The author can be reached via email, at dattad@cuug.ab.ca.