Diary of Scouting Events -1995 to 1996

World Scout Badge A Diary of Scouting Events -1995 to 1996

Revised July 1, 1995
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(Extracts from the ALBERTA SCOUTLOOK - January 1995
Local Events National Events International Events

  • If you have an event that you would like to post, please complete the Form provided or send e-mail to scholefp@cuug.ab.ca.

    July 16 to 22 - Alberta Scout Jamboree - Kananakis Country
    August 13 to 19 - Venturer Utimate Challenge - Camp Impeesa
    September 1 to 4 - Camoot '95 "The Odyssey" - Sylvan Lake, AB. - a camp planned by Rangers and Rovers for Scouting and Guiding members from age 16-30.

    1995 - 1996
    December 28, 1995 to January 7, 1996 - 16th Asia Pacific Jamboree - New Zealand.
    December 29, 1995 to January 7, 1996 - 13th. Australian Rover Moot - OZMOOT 95.

    March 30 to April 6 10th. Panamerican Jamboree - San Jorge-Muxhal, Guatemala
    June 24 to July 5 - 10th. World Rover Moot- Ransberg, Sweden.
    July 1 to 9 - A kingdom of Opportunities - Sonderbord, Denmark.
    July 15 to 26 - World Rover Moot - Sweden.
    July 16 to 26 International Patrol Jamborette - Blair Atoll, Scotland.
    July 18 to 26 - Loisto - Hanko, Finland.
    July 27 to August 3 - High Sierra International Rendezvous - Santa Clara County, California, USA.
    July 31 to August 11 - International Leaders Camp near Stockholm, Sweden.
    August 6 to 15 - Prugga - Bruck an der Letha, Austria.
    August 10 to 17 - Alberta Wood Badge and Family Camp.

    General Notices

    Summer Camp Exchange Opportunity

  • An invitation to attend two high Sierra camps this summer has been extended to Alberta Scouts by Mt. Diablo Silverado Council.
    For more information write or phone:
    Brian D. Thiessen
    3201 Danville Blvd. Suite 295
    Alamo, Ca 94507
    Tel (510) 837-3355
    Fax (510) 837-3352

    Hike For Hunger
    February 24, 1996 at 11:00 am in support of the Calgary Inter-Faith Food Bank.
    For information call 283-4993

    If you would like more information on any of these events please contact your local Alberta council office.

    ALBERTA SCOUTLOOK. is a joint publication of five Alberta regional councils. Published five times a year by:

    President		-	J. Leigh Cotterill
    Commissioner		-	Grace Belzner
    Executive Director	-	Doug Campbell
    Council Address		-	14205 - 109 Avenue
    				Edmonton Alberta T5N 1H5
    				Phone (403) 454-8561
    Editor		-	Denny R. May
    Publisher	-	Jon E. Hall
    Layout by	-	Andree-Ann Thivierge

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    Disclaimer - Views and information posted here are not necessarily those of the home page owner or Scouts Canada, but of the group or individual who requested the posting of the document.
    Patrick Scholefield (scholefp@cuug.ab.ca) -last modified: Sat 07-Apr-95