Calendar of Scouting Events -1995 to 1996

World Scout Badge A Diary of Scouting Events -1995 to 1997

Revised August 7, 1995
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Local (Alberta) Events National Events International Events

  • If you have an event that you would like to post, please complete the Form provided or send e-mail to

    August 13 to 19 - Venturer Utimate Challenge - Camp Impeesa
    September 1 to 4 - Camoot '95 "The Odyssey" - Sylvan Lake, AB. - a camp planned by Rangers and Rovers for Scouting and Guiding members from age 16-30.

    1995 - 1996
    September 8 to 19 - Rover Woodbadge Part I, Regina Saskatchewan
    December 28, 1995 to January 7, 1996 - 16th Asia Pacific Jamboree - New Zealand.
    December 29, 1995 to January 7, 1996 - 13th. Australian Rover Moot - OZMOOT 95.

    March 30 to April 6 10th. Panamerican Jamboree - San Jorge-Muxhal, Guatemala
    June 24 to July 5 - 10th. World Rover Moot- Ransberg, Sweden.
    July 1 to 9 - A kingdom of Opportunities - Sonderbord, Denmark.
    July 15 to 26 - World Rover Moot - Sweden.
    July 16 to 26 International Patrol Jamborette - Blair Atoll, Scotland.
    July 18 to 26 - Loisto - Hanko, Finland.
    July 27 to August 3 - High Sierra International Rendezvous - Santa Clara County, California, USA.
    July 31 to August 11 - International Leaders Camp near Stockholm, Sweden.
    August 6 to 15 - Prugga - Bruck an der Letha, Austria.
    August 10 to 17 - Alberta Wood Badge and Family Camp.

    CJ'97 Thunderbay Ontario

    General Notices

    Summer Camp Exchange Opportunity

  • An invitation to attend two high Sierra camps this summer has been extended to Alberta Scouts by Mt. Diablo Silverado Council.
    For more information write or phone:
    Brian D. Thiessen
    3201 Danville Blvd. Suite 295
    Alamo, Ca 94507
    Tel (510) 837-3355
    Fax (510) 837-3352

    Hike For Hunger
    February 24, 1996 at 11:00 am in support of the Calgary Inter-Faith Food Bank.
    For information call (403) 283-4993

    If you would like more information on any of these events please contact your local council office.

    go Comments and resquests for posting information can be sent from here
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    Patrick Scholefield (