Rocky Mountain Mischief

DENVER --Pop quiz. Name the Prime Minister of Canada. Too tough? Try this one. How many provinces does Canada have?

Maybe it was the thin mountain air, but few who attended the gathering at Katie's Denver Palace could answer those questions -- a bitter disappointment for Terry Canuck. But that -- and the fact that Katie became violently ill -- were the only downers in an otherwise great weekend.

The weather was positively balmy (or frigid, if you were from Georgia/North Carolina); the conversation witty and the male stripper hopelessly confused --for which we were grateful. What stripper? David and Larry ordered up a male stripper as a surprise for us. But the young man in question was hopelessly ill-equipped to pull off a surprise, let alone his clothing. We cancelled him when he telephoned seeking directions to the house, so we have no idea if his talents lay elsewhere.

Despite the many photos depicting us dining out -- we're certain it was Danica's dazzling smile that had the waiter snapping our photo, above and below -- we actually did much more than eat and drink. We also talked and made long distance phone calls. We just don't have any pictures of us doing that.

From left to right are:
Katie King
Terry Gilbert
Danica Kombol
Maria Henson
Melanie Sill

Oh yes, we had a rigorous afternoon of cross-country skiing. Note the steep inclines and Maria's aggressive and powerful stance. Having hit the road at the crack of noon, we barely made it back to Denver in time for dinner.

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Updated: July 26, 1995