GutsMuths Rennsteiglauf

Next Running:   May 20, 1995
Normally Run:   In May
Size of Field:  Large
Entry Fee:      66.5 km ultra race      60 DM (deutsche Mark)
                Marathon                50 DM
                1/2 Marathon            25 DM
Phone:          ++49 +3683/88212
Address:        GutsMuths-Rennsteiglaufverein e.V.
                PF 14
                D-98561 Schmalkalden

USATF Number:   -
Getting In:     Contact that address to receive the official
                announcement and entry form

 This race is the biggest cross country race in europe !
 It takes place in Germany, in the Thueringer Wald.
 Great landscape, lots of running freaks, good catering (called Schleim),
 very hilly.

 The 66.5 km race belongs to the European Supermarathon Cup

Source:  Official announcement 1995
Last update: 25.01.95 by Stephan Bauerfeind (