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EUnet Internet Shop

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In this section you find some commercial information and offers, which we provide on behalf of third party providers. Those other providers are responsible for the content of the respective sections.
Please do also look at our separate EUnet Partners and Customers list.

[*] Addison-Wesley Verlag (Deutschland), Bonn
[*] Bernd-Michael Paschke Verlag, Berlin
[*] DATACOM-Verlag, Bergheim
[*] Harri Deutsch Bookshop and Publishers, Frankfurt
[*] InterArt Gallery Schober, Kufstein
[*] JF Lehmanns Bookshop, Berlin
[*] Opis Datensysteme, Haag
[*] TyGlo Records, Marl
[*] Waxmann Verlag, Münster/New York [NEU !!!]

FTP Access only:

[*] CreaSo GmbH, Gilching
[*] Concept asa, Frankfurt
[*] Concept Engineering, Freiburg
[*] infix - Dr. Ekkehard Hundt, Sankt Augustin

If you are interested in becoming a provider in the EUnet Internet Shop, please contact us!
