From: Crew of the Greenpeace vessels Altair and Solo tracking the Brent Spar
Date: Wednesday, 21 June 1995

Subject: Morning update from the crews, Part 1

The Altair following the Spar:

The Spar made a 180 degree turn last night and the current position is...59 deg 31 North, 08 deg 37 West. Average speed is 1.5 knots, current speed is 1.5 knots. Distance is now 75 n miles from the dump site, 92 n miles from the Butt of Lewis. Heading is 041 degrees. Wind is Westerly, force 4/5, sea swell is 3 metres.

photo1.59KB GIF or 16KB JPG. ©Greenpeace/Sims.

The Shell support vessels, Torbas Krombas and Rembas have now left the flotilla, apparently for Lerwick.

Had a call from the Captain of the Starina - he had seen the news last night and said "Congratulations - I love you people.."!!

Have had many other supportive calls, including one from the pilot of the fixed wing plane that flew on the day of boarding and again later - he was "over the moon" about it.

From the Solo crew:

The Greenpeace support vessel, Solo arrived in Stornoway, Western Isles in the Outer Hebrides this morning at 10.30am to drop off journalists. We had a press conference for the many journalists on board and the crowds of others on the quayside. The Vice- convenor of the Western Isles council presented the Solo and the Altair with plaques as a "thank you" for helping them stop the disused toxic laden oil platform, the Spar from being dumped near their homes. It was great!

Last night our cheery journalists on board the Solo had a little whisky sing song to celebrate the U-turn by Shell not to dump the platform. They composed a song for all of us:


(to the tune of Wandering Star)

I was born under a Greenpeace Flag

I was born under a Greenpeace Flag

Do I know where Spar is?

Spar is going back,

Krombas, Rembas, Torbas,

Are all going to get the sack!

I was born under a Greenpeace Flag

I was born under a Greenpeace Flag

Do we know the heroes?

We know who they are

daa dee dah dee dah de dah

Stopped the Dumping of the Spar.

I was born under a Greenpeace Flag

I was born under a Greenpeace Flag

What about the Solo?

It came there to stay

Ulf was at the helm

And we chased them all away

I was born under a Greenpeace Flag

A Greenpeace, Greenpeace Flag.

We were more than flattered.

From: Crew of the Greenpeace vessels Altair and Solo tracking the Brent Spar
Date: Wednesday, 21 June 1995

Subject: Evening update from the crews, Part 2

Evening update, from the crew members of the Solo and the Altair:

The Altair is following the Brent Spar as it is being towed back to the UK, expecting to arrive in Lerwick on Friday at around 4pm.

The Solo arrived this morning in Stornaway harbour, in the Western Isles, Outer Hebrides, to let off journalists.

After this incredible victory (everyone is still trying to let it sink in) we are taking the huge amount of press calls, conducting interviews and generally riding this wave of public attention.

Today the story was on the front page of virtually every national paper in Europe, and has received a huge amount coverage all over the world.

We continue to celebrate, and once again, we would like to thank you all out there on the internet who gave us your support. Every single voice counted in bringing about this last minute change of thought. We couldn't have done it without you. Thanks again.

-From the Altair and Solo Crew

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