Other Sites of interest

Disclaimer: The links below are in no way endorsed by Greenpeace and Greenpeace bears no responsibility for the material contained therein

Media Natura page argueing for a boycott of French Wine supported by Medact and the British Nuclear Test Ban Coalition. Includes an option to view a 30 second quickframe movie of a sure to be controversial cinema advert and accounts of opposition to French nuclear testing.

Chirac a cool graphic.

Cyberpages International Incorporated are polling net surfers on whether they support the resumption of nuclear testing by France, you can vote and view the results

You may like to visit South Australian Web who have a "Stop the Test" page with a petition and e-mail addresses to register your protest.

..also in Australia, from its easternmost shire the Byron shire anti-testing page.

The Cybervote have some nice children's art and are running a Web petition and e-mail petition.

The "No More Hiroshimas" Coalition also have an e-mail petition.

WorldNet also have an e-mail petition.

The Boom homepage has some more links and some more obscure e-mail addresses.

OneWorld Online is covering the resumption of French nuclear testing on Moruroa (and is showing our video clips).

The University of Tokyo has finished collecting signatures for a petition to "STOP NUCLEAR TESTS NOW!". Over 55000 were collected from 102 countries these will be presented to the French Embassy at the end of August.

An Akatsukayama High School student's views on French nuclear testing and some of the replies she's received.US mirror site.

VisitHAWAII for true entertainment and check out their ANTI BOMB pages at the same time.

A site in New Zealand has a list of further anti-nuclear sites to visit.

An open letter to Jacques Chirac from J. B. Bolger, New Zealand Prime Minister. Add your own letter at this site and he will pass it on!

Useful contacts and info from International Freedom, also a boycott guide and petition.

Sign Cynergy Internet's petition, from their site in Australia - your message will be forwarded to the French and Australian Governments.