The "Haus der Graphischen Datenverarbeitung", located in Darmstadt, Germany, is known as a research community which includes the Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics (IGD), the Interactive Graphics Systems Group (GRIS) of the Darmstadt Technical University, the Computer Graphics Center (ZGDV), as well as a number of other institutes located in Rostock(Germany), Coimbra(Portugal), and Providence(R.I., USA).
This community is unique world-wide in its broad coverage of the intersection point of research and application. It has evolved into a Center of Excellence for Computer Graphics.

3rd International WWW Conference

Information Areas

Departments, Groups, and External Locations
Labs and Democenters

Software created in our house
Work on Standards

Specialized Servers and Systems

Information on Research and Development Activities in the European Union
Information on standards, activities in the area of image communication
Multimedia Survey - a survey on multimedia systems sponsered by DFN (12.93)


Haus der Graphischen Datenverarbeitung
Wilhelminenstr. 7
64283 Darmstadt
Fax (+49) 6151 155-199