FU Berlin
Institut für Informatik
Welcome to the World Wide Web Server of the Institut für Informatik!
("Institute of Computer Science") Please note that most topics are still in
German .
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Clicking on the globe (upper right) interrupts data transmission.
Help for Mosaic
can be found here ,
documents can be located with the
subject search. A
ground plan can be obtained by clicking on the Institute building above.
Personnel, Publications, Announcements
Help and Info on Hardware and Software.
Lecture Timetable, Comments, Tutors.
Publications, Library, Journals, Classifications
Lectures, Colloquia, Current Topics, Ground Plans
A random selection of other servers and ftp resources.
Dictionary, Cinema Programme,...
on this server -
in the WWW -
WWW Resource Collector
A WWW server is in a constant state of flux. If something does not work as you think it should, feel free to send a
mail to webmaster@inf.fu-berlin.de .