Your business success depends on knowing where Apple is headed, but how do you stay abreast of developments at Apple? By subscribing to Apple Directions.

Apple Directions, the developer business report, communicates Apple's strategic, business, and technical directions every month to help you maximize your development dollar: Intended primarily for decision-makers - whether you're an executive, a marketing or technical manager, a VAR, in-house developer, or consultant - Apple Directions tells you where Apple is going so you can plan your next business moves.

Apple Directions is the only publishing that provides the official Apple viewpoint about the latest Apple technologies and strategic research data. Every month, its Business & Marketing section also provides down-to-earth "how-to" articles - many of them written by developers themselves - to help you manage your business and market your products.

It's an invaluable tool to help keep your business financially successful. Each monthly issue is filled with news, perspective, and practical business information you can't find anywhere else.

Feedback to the Apple Directions staff can be directed to Paul Dreyfus, editor, at:

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last modified by lf on 8-February-95