Inside Macintosh

Inside Macintosh is a collection of books, organized by topic, that describe the system software of Macintosh computers. Together, these books provide the essential reference for programmers, designers, and engineers creating applications for the Macintosh family of computers.


This document contains one paragraph summaries of Inside Macintosh books. Click on the book of your choice below to go directly to the description in this document.

Complete Listing of All Inside Macintosh Books

AppleScript Finder Guide
The AppleScript Finder Guide is an essential reference for anyone who wants to use AppleScript on a Macintosh computer to modify existing Finder scripts or write new ones. The Finder scripting software allows you to write, record, or run scripts that trigger the same desktop actions that you trigger using the keyboard and mouse-actions such as opening and closing folders and manipulating files.

AppleScript Scripting Additions Guide
The AppleScript Scripting Additions Guide is the definitive description of the scripting additions that accompany the English dialoce of the AppleScript scripting language. Scripting additions are files that extend AppleScript's capabilities by providing additional commands or coercions for use in scripts.

AppleScript Language Guide
The AppleScript Language Guide is an essential reference for anyone using AppleScript to modify existing scripts or write new ones. It also contains useful information for programmers who are working on scriptable applications or complex scripts.

Inside Macintosh: Overview
This book provides a general introduction to the Macintosh Operating System, the Macintosh Toolbox, and other system software services. It illustrates how to write a Macintosh application by gradually dissecting the source code of a sample application. The book also provides guidelines for writing software that is compatible with all supported Macintosh computers.

Inside Macintosh: Macintosh Toolbox Essentials
This book describes how to implement essential user interface components in a Macintosh application. The Macintosh Toolbox is at the heart of the Macintosh, and every programmer creating a Macintosh application needs to be familiar with the material in this book. This book explains how to create menu; create windows, dialog boxes, and alert boxes; create controls such as buttons and scroll bars; and create icons for an application and its documents. This book provides a complete technical reference for the Event Manager, Menu Manager, Window Manager, Control Manager, and Dialog Manager.

Inside Macintosh: More Macintosh Toolbox
A companion to Inside Macintosh: Macintosh Toolbox Essentials, this book describes important features such as how to support copy and paste, provide Balloon Help, and create control panels. This book provides a complete technical reference to the Resource Manager, Scrap Manager, Help Manager, List Manager, Component Manager, Translation Manager, and Desktop Manager.

Inside Macintosh: Imaging With QuickDraw
This book describes QuickDraw, the part of the Macintosh Toolbox that performs graphics operations, and the Printing Manager, which allows applications to print the images created with QuickDraw. This book explains how to create images, display them in black and white or color, and print them.

Inside Macintosh: Text
This book describes how to create applications that can perform all kinds of text handling - from simple character display to complex, multi-language text processing. It provides a brief introduction to the unique Macintosh approach to text handling and shows how to draw characters, strings, and lines of text; how to work with fonts in any size, style, and language; how to use utility routines to format numbers, dates, and times; and how to use the WorldScript technology to design an application that handles text in any language.

Inside Macintosh: Files
This book describes the parts of the Macintosh Operating System that allow you to manage files and other object in the file system. It describes how to create an application that can handle the commands typically found in the File menu. This book also provides a complete technical reference for the File Manager, the Standard File Package, the Alias Manager, the Disk Initialization Manager, and other file-related sercives provided by the system software.

Inside Macintosh: Memory
This book describes the parts of the Macintosh Operating System that allow you to directly allocate, release, or otherwise manipulate memory. It shows how an application can manage the memory partition that it is allocated and perform other memory-related operations. This book also provides a complete technical reference for the Memory Manager, the Virtual Memory Manager, and other memory-related utilities provided by the system software.

Inside Macintosh: Processes
This book describes the parts of the Macintosh Operating System that allow you to manage processes and tasks. It show in detail how an application can manage processes and tasks and provides a complete technical reference for the Process Manager, the Notification Manager, the Time Manager, the Deferred Task Manager, and other task-related services provided by the system software.

Inside Macintosh: Operating System Utilities
This book describes the parts of the Macintosh Operating System that allow you to manage low-level aspects of the Operating System. It describes how you can get information about the available software features, how to manage operating-system queues, get information about parameter RAM settings, and manipulate the trap dispatch tables. It also describes other utilities, such as mathematical and logical utilities; date, time, and measurement utilities; and the System Error Handler. This book provides a complete technical reference to the Gestalt Manager, Trap Manager, Start Manager, and Package Manager.

Inside Macintosh: Devices
This book is a comparison volume to both Guide to Macintosh Family Hardware and Designing Cards and Drivers for the Macintosh Family. It is written for anyone writing software that interacts with built-in and peripheral hardware devices and covers critical hardware and device programming topics including the Device Manager, SCSI Manager, Power Manager, ADB Manager, Serial Driver, and Slot Manager.

Inside Macintosh: Interapplication Communication
This book expains how to create applications that work with other applications to give users even greater power and flexibility in accomplishing their tasks. It provides an introduction to how applications work together in a cooperative environment and discusses how they can share data with other applications, request information or services from other applications, and respond to scripts written in a scripting language. This book provides a complete technical reference to the Apple Event Manager, the AppleScript component, the Program-to-Program Communications Toolbox, and the Data Access Manager.

Inside Macintosh: Networking
This book describes key components of networking the Macintosh with other computers. It describes in detail the components and organization of AppleTalk, how to select an AppleTalk protocol, and how to write software that uses AppleTalk networking protocols.

Inside Macintosh: QuickTime
This book describes how to create applications that can use QuickTime, Apple's system software extension that supports time-based data in the Macintosh desktop environment. Time-based data is any information that changes over time, such as sound, video, or animation. Inside Macintosh: QuickTime discusses how to manipulate time-based data in the same way that you work with text and graphic elements, and it describes how to use the Movie Toolbox to load, play, create, edit, and store objects that contain time-based data. It also explains how to use image compression and decompression to enhance the performance of QuickTime movies in an application.

Inside Macintosh: QuickTime Components
This book is a companion to Inside Macintosh: QuickTime. It describes how you can use or develop QuickTime components such as clock components, image compressors, movie controllers, sequence grabbers, and video digitizers.

Inside Macintosh: Sound
This book describes the parts of the Macintosh Toolbox that allow you to manipulate sound and speech. It shows how to use the Sound Manager, the Sound Input Manager, and the Speech Manager to create and record sounds, and to convert written text to speech.

Inside Macintosh: AOCE Application Interfaces
This book describes the application interfaces to the Apple Open Collaberation Environment (AOCE), the technology behind the PowerTalk system software. This book is intended for anyone who wants to add mail services, messaging services, catalog services, digital signatures, or authentication services to their application. It also shows how to write templates that extend the Finder ability of displaying information in PowerTalk catalogs.

Inside Macintosh: AOCE Service Access Modules
A companion book to Inside Macintosh: AOCE Application Interfaces, this book is requires reading for anyone developing software modules that give users and PowerTalk-enabled applications access to a new or existing mail and messaging service or catalog service. It also describes how to provide an interface that lets a user install and set up the service.

Inside Macintosh: PowerPC System Software
This book describes the new process execution environment and system software services provided with the first release of PowerPC processor-based Macintosh computers. It describes the 68LC040 Emulator, which allows existing 680x0 applications to execute unchanged on PowerPC processor-based Macintosh computers, as well as the Mixed Mode Manager, which handles switching between the PowerPC and 680x0 environments. It also documents the Code Fragment Manager and the Exception Manager.

Inside Macintosh: PowerPC Numerics
This book describes the floating-point numerics provided with the first release of PowerPC processor-based Macintosh computers. It provides a description of the IEEE Standard 754 for floating-point arithmetic and shows how PowerPC numerics complies with it. This book also shows how to create floating-point values and how to perform operations on floating-point values in high-level languages such as C and in PowerPC assembly language.

Inside Macintosh: QuickDraw GX Programmer's Overview
This book provides an introduction to the QuickDraw GX development environment. It begins with an overview of QuickDraw GX and the key elements of QuickDraw GX programs and then moves on to illustrate these features using practical programming examples.

Inside Macintosh: QuickDraw GX Objects
This book gets you started in understanding how to work with QuickDraw GX and how to create the objects that underlie all of its capabilities. It focuses on the object architecture as a whole, and how to use the objects that make up a QuickDraw GX shape: the shape object, the style object, the ink object, and the transform object.

Inside Macintosh: QuickDraw GX Graphics
This book show you how to create and manipulate the fundamental geometric shapes of QuickDraw GX to generate a vast range of graphic entities. It also shows you how to work with bitmaps and pictures, specialized QuickDraw GX graphic shapes.

Inside Macintosh: QuickDraw GX Typography
This book show you how to create and manipulate the three different types of text shapes supported by QuickDraw GX, and how to support sophisticated text layout, including text with mixed directions and multiple language text.

Inside Macintosh: QuickDraw GX Printing
This book show you how to support basic printing features including desktop printers, and how to use QuickDraw GX printing objects to customize printing and perform advanced printing-related tasks.

Inside Macintosh: QuickDraw GX Printing Extensions and Drivers
This book show you how to extend the printing capabilities of QuickDraw GX by creating a printing extension that can work with any application and any kind of printer. It also shows how to create a QuickDraw GX printer driver.

Inside Macintosh: QuickDraw GX Environment and Utilities
This book show you how to set up your program to use QuickDraw GX, how QuickDraw GX relates to the rest of the Macintosh Environment, and how to handle errors and debug your code. It also describes a public data format for objects, and documents several managers that extend the object architecture and provide utility functions.

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last modified by meb on 12-May-95