(Excerpt 140k, 210k / Full song 3 mins, 2.21M, 4.42M)
Track recorded at Electric Eel Studios, Seattle, Washington
'the heaviest shit I've heard all year' -Bullet Bob, KISW's metal shop
' what the fuck is wrong with you guys' - David Yow, The Jesus Lizard
If you are remotely interested in the following bands, then there is something here for you: Godflesh, Neurosis, Zoviet France, Merzbow, The Jesus Lizard
electric guitar and bass, synthetic and acoustic drums, lungs, copper,
silver, steel tables, feedback loops, tape loops, lunch box, cooking
utensils, bottles, springs, plastic containers, wooden chairs, coins,
AC motors, bottles, 55 gallon drum, microscopic recording techniques.
SAMPLES USED: Merzbow, Dennis Hopper in 'Blue Velvet',
Horseshit Studios proprietary.
Thanks for your interest in 3D House Of Beef.
I'm sorry the damn tapes took so long to do. we had to do them by hand, realtime. We only have one dual tape deck, and quite a few tapes to put out, so...
Drew Payne: vocals, bass, utensils and machines
Nial McGaughey: vocals, guitar, machines, hardware
'I was in several bands before this one: David Wayne's REVEREND, THINGMAKERS, and several other grindcore and industrial music projects. Drew and I met in the post punk band FREAKSCENE in 1988 and we hit it off, after that band died we kept working together, striving for higher goals. What you have in your hands is the result of that work.'
The song Slow Color Orgasm is along the lines of Neurosis and Godflesh. Heavy as Shit (TM), with good riffs, what more do you want?
Slow Color Orgasm- 3:11
Thanks again, and drop us a line!
-Nial McGaughey