On-line Artists houses the entire collection of independent artists on IUMA.
Our mission to shape the future of music distribution begins here with
more than 500 talented musicians. Slip your spoon into this and find
your favorite flavor.
What's Brewin' is where you will find all the latest multimedia projects
with which IUMA is involved. Included are reports from our
MBONE live video and audio concerts, radio broadcasts of On-line artists
directly from IUMA, an events vault packed with past events and
press clippings from our extraordinary media attention.
Record Labels is a complete listing of all the recording labels IUMA
is working with to bring the music industry into the future and onto the
Internet. The list includes independent labels like Silent, Heyday
and TeenBeat as well as majors like Warner Bros. and Geffen.
Publications is an index of both traditional and on-line only publications
working with IUMA. Included are such cool 'zines as Addicted to Noise,
Strobe, Seconds, Rock the Vote's Rock the System and more
-- complete with music samples from reviewed artists. Guaranteed fun!