The Warner Bros. Records on IUMA Project

This Warner section of IUMA can be considered a test beta-site to play with some of the numerous options when looking to the future of Warner Bros. Record's online presence. The first phase involved the availability of the same pre-release 30 second song excerpts from upcoming Warner Bros. Records releases which have been uploaded to AOL. By making these excerpts available on IUMA, Warner Bros. Records is not only increasing their audience to worldwide, but they are also gaining technology like MPEG compression (which makes song downloads take less time). Another key point is the fact that most users' access to the Internet (and thus IUMA) is generally not charge-by-hour. This results in an even more affordable method for the listeners than previously available.

The future has yet to be fully determined, but we are confident that for as long as Warner Bros. Records chooses to enlist the aid of IUMA Label Services, the result will be something which is of increasing benefit to the musicians, the listeners and of course, Warner Bros. Records and IUMA.

In the short term, this site will continue to expand as more excerpts of upcoming singles are released, so you may wish to check back frequently, as well as check the Warner What's New page for updates.

For information on how to configure your system to play the song and video excerpts, check out How To Use IUMA.

If you have any questions about Warner Bros. Records issues, you can contact:

Todd Steinman
Any IUMA related questions should be directed to:
903 Pacific Ave, #300
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
408-I-AM-IUMA (408-426-4862)

If you are curious why Warner Bros. Records is on IUMA, check out this document.

For the jazz-hounds out there, check out some Warner Bros. Records Jazz information online at Jazz Online's Warner Jazz section.

IUMA / Warner Bros. Records