plus Bits and Pieces

(One of those pages that will remain under permanent construction...)
Contents of this page
X11R6 Specialities
User Interfaces
Graphics Libraries
General Information
Organizations and Conferences

What's new in

X11R6 Release Notes
Dan Heller's article X11R6 - an overview
Rainer Klute's article Mit X Erweiterungen
Dirk Hohndel's and Arnd Feldmüller's Bericht ├╝ber XFree86 Version 3.1 (X11R6)
Webside of the The XFree86 Project, Inc
CORBA compliant user interface system Fresco

Graphical User Interfaces

Interface builders VXP and wxWin
Overview of Motif interface builders
Graphical user interface toolkit XForms
Multimedia widgets Xew
Smalltalk class library Xm++ for building X Toolkit based GUIs

Graphics Libraries

Mesa 3-D3-D graphics library with an API that is similar to OpenGL
Ygl emulates 2D-GL routines
OpenGL at IBM's
Interactive Graphics Renderer
Graphical Object-Oriented Development System GOOD
GL alternative VOGL

FTP servers with X11 goodies

The original: X Consortium
German mirrors: EUnet and University of Paderborn

Publications on X

Books on The X Window System
O'Reilly's Books on X11
The X Journal
iX tutorials on x-terminals and pc x-servers and on Administrating X

General Information

Documentation on X11
X11 FAQs
X11 News

Who - Where - When

European X User Group (EXUG)
The X Consortium's Web Server
X World '95 in New York City
Software Devcon '95 in Wiesbaden
Siggraph 95 in Los Angeles
X/Open Branding Program for CDE

iX-Logo home page Heise Verlag home page of Verlag Heinz Heise

Last update: May 15, 1995
In case of any questions, complaints et cetera please contact me!