There are two mailing lists that Apple has created for users of the Macintosh Application Environment:
mae-announce is a moderated list that will be used to distribute "official" product announcements and information about MAE from Apple. It's a very low traffic mailer aimed at people who want to keep informed on the product, but don't want to sift through all of the mail that is distributed through an open mailing list.
mae-users is an unmoderated list that allows users to discuss the product in an informal atmosphere. mae-users will allow users to assist each other and distribute hints and other information about the product.
IMPORTANT: Apple highly encourages all MAE users to subscribe to mae-announce. This mailing list is the primary means Apple will use to inform the MAE customer base about updates, patch availability and other MAE specific news.
To subscribe to a mailing list, please send mail to:
Put the following command in the body of the message (the subject line should NOT be a command. It can be blank or nonsense):
subscribe listname your_name
listname should be mae-users or mae-announce. your_name is your name, not your email address, which listproc will take from the mail header.
To unsubscribe, use "unsubscribe" instead of "subscribe". Don't put quotes around any part of the command, however.
To receive mail from mae-users only once a day with each day's messages combined into a single format, send listproc a message with body text: "set mae-users mail digest". Please use the original subject of the message when replying to messages from this digest.
The archives for the MAE lists are in the listproc. Send listproc a message with body text: "index mae-users" or "index mae-announce" to see what is in the archive.
For information on what the lists are about, send a message with body text: "info mae-users" to the listproc.
If you get completely lost, send "help" to the listproc and read the instructions.
Example, to sign up for both mailing lists and only receive daily digests from mae-users, execute the following:
% mail Subject: leave blank subscribe mae-announce Thurston P. Howell, III subscribe mae-users Thurston P. Howell, III set mae-users mail digest