This patch is covered by the "Software License For Macintosh Application Environment Patch" (see the file mae_patch_license.txt on the ftp server
Please read the License carefully before downloading this software. By downloading and/or using this software, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of the License. If you do not agree to the terms of this License, you are not authorized to download this software.
The MAE Compatibility 1.0 extension has been designed to fix a compatibility problem between MAE 1.0a and Microsoft PowerPoint 4.0.
If you are running MAE 1.0a and PowerPoint 4.0, click here
to get the 1.0a compatibility extension.
To use this extension, get it by clicking the icon above and un'tar it using the following command from unix:
tar -xvf MAE_Compatibility.tar
Copy the MAE Compatibility extension to your Extensions folder (inside your System Folder) and restart MAE.
This extension will allow PowerPoint to load and run successfully under MAE.