1995 Postings by subject
Starting: Sat 07 Jan 1995 - 08:26:11 GMT
Ending: Sat 01 Apr 1995 - 04:49:60 GMT
Messages: 516
- (Q)Installing of secondary cache
- * NCR53c810 SCSI Board bios upgrade
- --- PCI NCR 53c810 and MO ---
- .ADF-files
- /etc/gettydefs.net
- /etc/issue.net
- /sbin/ask_level
- /sbin/ask_level (Find that and other goodies on "ncrinfo")
- 3180 + Docking Station + Intel Etherexpress = SLOW/BAD network
- 3420/21 (386sx/20) simm memory
- 3430, 3410, serial chip
- 3433 and Windows Speaker Driver Problem.
- 3445 Docs
- 3450 for sale
- 3xxx 2.3.1 C compiler issues?
- 3xxx Pentium recalls
- 53C710 SCRIPTS debugging
- 53c810, NT 3.5, Toshiba 3401
- 53C96 SCSI docs from NCR?
- ==> AT&T Equipment WTB and WTS - 3/21 <==
- >Sendmail.8.6.10 and MP-RAS
- @ 3180 D/S and Radius Pivot Display question
- [Q] series3 RAID controllers
- Adapters needed for Printers/Terminals on NCR 3000
- Adding a subdisk to an existing plex...
- ADDS 4000's
- An X debugger (or front end to gdb) on NCR?
- announcing plan 1.4, X/Motif calendar and day planner
- Anyone ported amd to MP-Ras?
- AS/400 to Unix Dialup File Transfer
- AST Bravo MS and NCR SCSI
- at&t 6386 sx/el wgs motherboard
- AT&T X server crashing - (BIG-REQUESTS extension?)
- AT&T/NCR 3555 MP system wanted
- ATTGIS - reseller for 35xx SW products??
- ATTGIS 3204 MCA support UnixWare?
- Beware of NCR reseller (was: Vecmar Flame)
- building x11r6 on 3555/mp-ras
- Caching SCSI/Diff SCSI Controller??
- Can I port PVM, Linda, HPF compiler to NCR system?
- Can Unixware be used for NCR Development
- can't get NCR83C810 to run on Dell
- can't run a perl program in cron using NCR MP-RAS 2.03
- cancel <1995Jan19.120303.17128@news.uit.no>
- cancel <1995Jan20.152938.1@cua.edu>
- CD-ROM Drivers, AT&T Globalyst 310?
- Changing IP Address with WIN TCP 3
- Changing SCSI-ID on NCR53C810?
- cmsg cancel <3hcpo2$ilo@panix.com>
- cmsg cancel <3isgbl$s3a@crl4.crl.com>
- cmsg cancel <3j5fq9$d9t@alpha.bin-sixx.com>
- cmsg cancel <8A1646B.060800001E.uuout@loa.com>
- Colour ansi emulation using XTERM (3455)?
- copying my boot-tapes
- Diff SCSI Controller??
- Do NCR 53C810 work with Sony CDU-55S?
- Does an OS/2 3.0 (Warp) driver exist for 53c810?
- DOS ASPI Driver for 53C700 needed
- DOS/Windows backup software w/NCR53C810 & DAT tape drives
- DX4/100 Chip & NCR 3447
- Easy-to-use editor for sys3k?
- Exelan Export 2000 Terminal Server - Question.
- For SALE! NCR 10000 Model 55 and periph.
- FOR SALE: NCR 3000 Model 3445
- Forcing a PANIC
- Formatting of MO's with a PCI-SC200?
- Free: Old NCR Tower 1632
- FS: NCR 175Watt Power Supplies - New $30ea
- FTP site for GNU tools for 3555/MP
- ftp.ncr.com: *.pkg files
- Get a Job!!!!
- Globalyst 250 and NT
- GNU Make complilation
- GNU tools for SVR4 MP-RAS?
- Gopher on MP-RAS
- HD upgrade for 3170?
- Help installing WIN NT 3.5 with NCR53C810
- Help using Adaptec 1640 SCSI under MP-RAS 2.03
- HELP UUCP Over WIN-TCP (Setting up CU over WIN-TCP)
- Help with sendmail
- Help with Tape Drive
- HELP! Need new BIOS for 3170 LAPTOP
- Help! Inherited NCR 3200
- HELP!: Need Reference Disk for NCR PC(MCA)
- HELP: how to change change the termination of scsi controller
- Help: installation of Syquest using my NCR 810 card
- HELP: Need drivers for NCR53c810 SCSI
- Hiding NCR BIOS messages on Boot. Is it possible?
- High Availability for NCR
- HIGH VOLTAGE question
- How do you tranfer files between 2 UNIX boxes? (NCR Tower to PC)
- How to change clock speed 25MHZ to 33
- How to Connect Ethernet PC to NCR 9800 ?
- How to setup UNIX as LPR client
- HP LaserJet/JetDirect w/S3000
- If nobody speaks, nobody knows...
- Initiator and Target Role Switch
- Inserting a Floppy Drive
- Install 2.0 on ATTGIS 3404 panics (AIC7870 SCSI on MB)
- Installin WIN NT 3.5 with NCR 53C810 SCSI PCI-card
- Intel Premiere II m/b and NCR 53C810 based PCI controller problems
- Irritating MP-RAS performance problem
- Jazz Sound card on 580 PC
- Kudos to Joe Colas in Tower Support
- Latest MP-RAS
- ld option to pre-load user libraries?
- Linux and NCR53c815
- Looking for 'Abort Message ' on 53CF94/96 chips
- Looking for development tools (C compiler & libraries)
- Looking for Info
- Looking for NCR C libraries/include files
- looking for NCR Tower info/faq/source-code ftp sites
- Looking for old software for the 32/650
- mbtowc() problems?
- Memory needed for Globalyst 330
- mosaic for ncr 34xx
- MP-RAS Security Questions [help]
- MP-RAS stune: typical tuning?
- MV Premium 3D & Sony CDU55S, anyone got the two to work?
- NCR & Syquest 44MB
- NCR 3.06.00 PC Bios update & Mouse
- NCR 3125 expansion
- NCR 3125 pen drivers???
- NCR 3125 Pen Machine SpeedUp ???? (Second Attempt)
- NCR 3150
- NCR 32/600
- NCR 3230-flash bios? and 2nd'ary cache?
- NCR 3300/3350 Setup Info
- NCR 3410 Rewind Command - Help!
- NCR 35XX & SVR4. Can't detect failed telnet sesh. (Use "stty hupcl")
- NCR 35XX & SVR4. Using remsh to print on another machine results in multiple prints. Why? Also, can'
- NCR 53C400 drivers needed
- NCR 53c700 SCSI card
- NCR 53c810
- NCR 53C810 and Boot manager: what's wrong?
- NCR 53C810 and HP Jetstore DAT
- NCR 53C810 and NT Problems
- NCR 53C825 commands?
- NCR 53c825 PCI SCSI controller
- NCR 53c825 Programming Manual
- NCR 53C96 SCSI Docs Needed!
- NCR 6323 Tape Drive For Sale. --Mint! $1500.00
- NCR 77C22e VESA driver?? PLEASE!!!
- NCR 77C22e VESA driver?? PLEASE!!!
- NCR and Quantum LT730S won't work
- NCR C Compiler
- NCR division sale to Hyundai
- NCR drivers development policy....OR FUCK YOU !
- NCR os2cam.add hangs (v.2) under WARP
- NCR PC"S and Upgrades
- NCR PCI limits OS/2 to 16 Mb?
- NCR PCI on crashes server using 32Mb RAM and ASPI driver
- NCR PCI SCSI 810, MINICAM and Thosiba CD-ROM
- NCR Product Help Needed.....
- NCR Safari Notebook and a bigger harddisk...
- NCR SCSI 53c90 chip not supported!
- NCR SCSI adapter for ISA bus?
- NCR SCSI drivers for OS/2 WARP
- NCR SCSI Windows performance?
- NCR serial port
- NCR serial port (some suggestions)
- NCR terminal
- NCR Tower Info
- NCR VGA windows driver for 77C22E
- NCR3125 digitizer IF data needed
- NCR3333 compatible disk drives
- NCR3410 / Firewall
- NCR53c810 + NEC CDR:38 = 0?
- NCR53c810 and DMA
- NCR53c810 SCSI Board bios upgrade
- Neat/3 => Oracle
- NEC Multispin drivers & NCR 53C400A
- Need 3450 Equipment
- Need a good NCR Tower Upgrade Supplier.
- need help on NCR's SC200 PCI SCSI adapter !!!!
- Need help with UUCP (Problem)
- Need Info on NCR X Terminals
- Need information on NCR tower
- Need NCR Tower model 403 help
- Need to setup SLIP on NCR 3550
- New 53c810 driver for warp
- New NCR SCSI driver for OS/2 Warp Available
- No Space!
- No Space! (means /bin/sh can't allocate heap space)
- NT driver for 6450 printer?
- NTP daemon for NCR MP-RAS UNIX ?
- olvwm for NCR 2.0.3
- ONC RPC Problems
- Oracle and NCR
- OS/2 Warp, NCR 810, and OS2CAM.ADD switches
- OS2CAM optimization?
- OS2CAM.ADD and WARP - working solution
- pciview
- PostScript problem
- Problem: 53c825 and WinNT 3.5?
- Probleme with LM/X and Kermit login
- Problems adding new disks in NCR 3447
- Problems compiling gcc2.6.3 on NCR
- problems w/NCR Tower 3470 :-(
- Problems with NCR SCSI controller and OS/2 2.1
- Problems With Reads larger than 16k???
- Protection Violation (Trap000D): OS/2 Warp & NCR SCSI
- Q: NCR 810 + CD ROM ???
- Questionare - UNIX training
- Questions regarding the PCI SDMS controller
- RAID Information
- Recent NCR driver for NCR77e22 2Mb
- REQ: Printer Driver for NCR 6416 Laser
- restart ncr system 10000
- RPC netbuf casting
- Run a BBS? Want full Internet for $24.95/mo?
- screen saver
- SCRIPTS assembler for SunOS
- SCSI connector?
- SCSI Controller 3445--- SCSI 1 or SCSI 2 ??
- SCSI Scorpion Controller
- scsi-programming
- Seeking Globalyst 250 Specs
- Sendmail 8.6.10 on NCR MP-RAS ?
- Serial chips on 3430 and 3410
- Setting up pty's on NCR
- SLIP Setup on a 3445?
- Slow SCSI Plato P90
- Speed Up an NCR 3125/30 ????
- stdio.h for cc on Tower/400
- strange... NCR & Seagate problem with OS/2
- Stune parameter=AFFIN_ENAB??
- Systech host controller boards FOR SALE.
- System 3500 crashes with httpd
- SysV r.3 install tapes?
- SYSVR4 Problems
- Teradata ODBC and ReportSmith?
- traceroute ....
- traceroute for mp-ras 2.3.1
- Unixware 2.0 for NCR MP's
- Unixware 2.0 NCR PCI SCSI (53c810) Drivers??????
- Unixware and NCR SCSI 53c810
- Unixware device drivers for ATTGIS SCSI cards
- Unixware driver for SCSI 53c90 chip?
- URGENT: need to get a modem configured on an NCR running SVR3
- Using List-IO with Oracle
- Using multiple db writers on ATT 3555 under 7.1.3
- UUCP Problems on NCR Series 3000
- Vecmar Flame
- Video Driver Problems
- Wanted : NCR 32/650 System in Aus
- Wanted and Available - Many AT&T Products
- WANTED FREE/CHEAP: Tower/Sys3000 For SLIP/PPP Domain
- WANTED: 286 memory board and chips
- Warning About J-Mark NCR 810 Adaptor, XXera
- Where is the FAQ? / What is ncr's Unix like?
- Where or what is the ftp site for NCR driver stuff now.
- Where to find SDMS Doc?
- wide scsi connector?
- win-tcp telnet ~ interrupt key
- Windows Drivers for NCR 3320
- Windows printer driver for NCR Laser printer 6436-0501
- WindowsNT 3.5 Driver for SCSI-adapter NexStor NXT-82 (NCR 53C700-66)
- WTB -NCR 140MB Hard Drives
- WTB : NCR 3150 Notebooks - Any Configurations
- WTB: NCR Tower 32/400
- WU-FTPD Port?
- X/Motif mail browser??
- Yellow Pages on StarServer E
Last message date: Sat 01 Apr 1995 - 04:49:60 GMT
Archived on: Sat Apr 01 1995 - 09:51:22 GMT
This archive was generated by hypermail 1.02.