ISSN 0968 0446

Volume 22(1), Issued 25 June 1992

An account of southern Australian species of Lithophyllum (Corallinaceae, Rhodophyta)
Wm J Woelkerling & Stuart J Campbell
22(1): 1-107

Volume 22(2), Issued 26 November 1992

Palynological evidence for the generic delimitation of Sechium (Cucurbitaceae) and its allies
Jose Luis Alvarado, Rafael Lira-Saade & Javier Cabellero
22(2): 109-121

Seaweeds of the western coast of tropical Africa and adjacent islands: a critical assessment. IV. Rhodophyta (Florideae) 3. Genera H-K
James H Price, David M John & George W Lawson
22(2): 123-146

Two new species of Solanum section Geminata (Solanaceae) from Cerro del Torra in western Colombia
Sandra Knapp
22(2): 147-152

Fissidens ceylonensis Dozy & Molkenb. (Musci: Fissidentaceae) and some allied taxa from southern India
L T Ellis
22(2): 153-156

New species of Piper (Piperaceae) from Central America
Margaret Tebbs
22(2): 157-158

Studies on the Cretan flora 1. Floristic notes
Nicholas J Turland
22(2): 159-164.

Studies on the Cretan flora 2. The Dianthus juniperinus complex (Caryophyllaceae)
Nicholas J Turland
22(2): 165-169

Volume 23(1), Issued 24 June 1993

Revision of Piper (Piperaceae) in the New World 3. The taxonomy of Piper sections Lepianthes and Radula
Margaret Cecilia Tebbs
23(1): 1-50

Mounting techniques for the preservation and analysis of diatoms
Stephen J Russell
23(1): 51-54.

Volume 23(2), Issued 25 November 1993

New taxa of Gentiana (Gentianaceae) from Western China and the Himalayan region
Ting-Nung Ho & Shang-Wu Liu
23(2): 55-59

New combinations, names and taxonomic notes on Gentianella (Gentianaceae) from South America and New Zealand
Ting-Nung Ho & Shang-Wu Liu
23(2): 61-65

Studies in Hypericum: validation of new names
Norman K B Robson
23(2): 67-70

Generic monograph of the Asteraceae-Anthemideae
Kåre Bremer & Christopher John Humphries
23(2): 71-177

Volume 24(1), Issued 23 June 1994

Pre-Linnaean references for the Macaronesian flora found in Leonard Plukenet's works and collections
Javier Francisco-Ortega, Arnoldo Santos-Guerra & Charles E Jarvis
24(1): 1-34

Studies on the lichen genus Sticta (Schreber) Ach.: II. Typification of taxa from Swartz's Prodromus of 1788
David J Galloway
24(1): 35-48

Seaweeds of the western coast of tropical Africa and adjacent islands: a critical assessment. IV. Rhodophyta (Florideae) 4. Genera L-O
David M John, George W Lawson, James H Price, Willem F Prud'homme Van Reine & William J Woelkerling
24(1): 49-90

Studies on the Cretan flora 3. Additions to the flora of Karpathos
Nicholas J Turland & Lance Chilton
24(1): 91-99

Volume 24(2), Issued 24 November 1994

Observations on the benthic marine algal flora of South Georgia: a floristic and ecological anaylysis David M John, Philip J A Pugh & Ian Tittley
24(2): 101-114

Studies in Pseudocyphellaria (Lichens) IV*. Palaeotropical species (excluding Australia)
David J Galloway
24(2): 115-159. (* Part III in Bibliotheca Lichenologica 46: 1-275(1992)).

Morphology and ecology of seedlings, fruits and seeds of Panama: Bixaceae and Cochlospermaceae
Nancy C Garwood
24(2): 161-171

A study of Bixa (Bixaceae), with particular reference to the leaf undersurface indumentum as a diagnostic character
Ruth E Dempsey & Nancy C Garwood
24(2): 173-179

Volume 25 (1),Issued 29 June 1995

A revision of Rutilaria Greville (BAcillariophyta)
R Ross

William Roxburgh's St Helena plants
Q C B Cronk

Bulletin of The Natural History Museum

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