ISSN 0968 0462

Volume 48(1), Issued 25 June 1992

'Placopsilina' cenomana d'Orbigny from France and England and the type species of Placopsilina d'Orbigny, 1850 (Foraminiferida)
R L Hodgkinson
48(1) : 1-8

A revision of the Middle Devonian uncinulid brachiopod genus Beckmannia Mohanti, 1972, and its distribution
M Mohanti & C H C Brunton
48(1): 9-12

Cheilostome bryozoans from the Upper Cretaceous of the Drumheller area, Alberta, Canada
Paul D Taylor & Roger J Cuffey
48(1): 13-24.

Volume 48(2), Issued 26 November 1992

Lower Devonian fishes from Saudi Arabia
P L Forey, V T Young and H A McClure
48(2): 25-43.

W K Parker's collection of foraminifera in the British Museum (Natural History)
R L Hodkinson
48(2): 45-78

Volume 49(1), Issued 24 June 1993

Barremian-Aptian Praehedbergellidae of the North Sea area: a reconnaissance
F T Banner, P Copestake & Marigold R White
49(1): 1-30

Late Llandovery and early Wenlock stratigraphy and ecology in the Oslo Region, Norway
L R M Cocks & D Worsley
49(1): 31-46

Catalogue of the type and figured specimens of fossil Asteroidea and Ophiuroidea in The Natural History Museum
D N Lewis
49(1): 47-80

Volume 49(2), Issued 25 November 1993

Mobility and fixation of a variety of elements, in particular boron, during the metasomatic development of adinoles at Dinas Head, Cornwall
C T Williams, R F Symes and V K Din
49(2): 81-98

Productellid and Plicatiferid (Productoid) Brachiopods from the Lower Carboniferous of the Craven Reef Belt, North Yorkshire
C H C Brunton & D J C Mundy; Appendix by S S Lazarev
49(2): 99-119

The spores of Leclercqia and the dispersed spore morphon Acinosporites lindlarensis Riegel: a case of gradualistic evolution
John B Richardson, Patricia M Bonamo & D Colin McGregor
49(2): 121-155

Volume 50(1), Issued 23 June 1994

Systematics of the melicerititid cyclostome bryozoans; introduction and the genera Elea, Semielea and Reptomultelea
Paul D Taylor
50(1): 1-103

Volume 50(2), Issued 24 November 1994

The brachiopods of the Duncannon Group (Middle-Upper Ordovician) of southeast Ireland
Matthew A Parkes
50(2): 105-174

Volume 51(1), Issued 29 June 1995

A synopsis of neuropteroid foliage from the Carboniferous and Lower Permian of Europe
C J Cleal & C H Shute

The Upper Cretaceous ammonite Pseudaspidoceras Hyatt, 1903, in north-eastern Nigeria
P M P Zaborski

The pterodactyloids from the Purbeck limestone Formation of Dorset
S C B Howse & A R Milner

Bulletin of The Natural History Museum

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