Computer Science Branch, LHNCBC, NLM
Lawrence C. Kingsland, III, Ph.D.
Branch Chief
General Description:
One of the five component branches of the Lister Hill Center,
the Computer Science Branch conducts research in the application of
artificial intelligence techniques to the presentation, retrieval,
and manipulation of biomedical knowledge.
Specific Projects:
Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) Project:
this project spans multiple administrative units within the NLM,
the Lister Hill Center's
Cognitive Science
and Computer Science Branches prominent among them:
- UMLS Metathesaurus: contains
152,444 biomedical concepts and 311,046 terms from fifteen
different controlled vocabularies and classifications.
- UMLS Semantic Network:
provides a consistent categorization of all terms
appearing within the Metathesaurus (by semantic type),
as well as the permissible relationships between them
(by semantic relation).
- UMLS Information Sources Map (ISM):
is a database describing various biomedical information sources
and information on how to connect to them.
A prototype ISM-based application, Sourcerer,
is in development.
This application accepts a user-generated query and uses the
ISM and the other components of UMLS to automatically identify
appropriate Internet-based information sources, and (where possible)
connect to them and conduct queries on the user's behalf.
an expert system for guiding Grateful Med/MEDLINE literature searches.
A World-Wide Web-based service using COACH is under development.
- AI/RHEUM: expert consultation system for rheumatology.
- CTX: shell for building criteria-table-based expert systems.
- Rheumatology videodisk image library: 6,300 still images and 15 minutes
of full-motion video
- AI/COAG: expert system for consulting on blood coagulation problems.
- Medical Informatics Elective: annual 8-week course for medical students.
- MedIndEx Project: developing/testing frame-based/knowledge-based
interactive computer systems for assisting the indexing of the contents
of MEDLINE, using the MeSH controlled vocabulary.
- Machine Learning Project: the study of computer programs which can
not only manipulate knowledge, but acquire it as well.
One such application, INVESTIGATOR, is under development.
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NLM HyperDOC / Computer Science Branch / April 1994