Wrapping It All Up
- What's next?
- NSSDC Master Reference - an on-line resource of reference materials for
staff and the user community
- On-line ordering of NSSDC Data
- Applications to the NASA Master Catalog and the NASA Master Directory
- Applications to the NASA Discipline Data Systems
- Applications to the NASA Office of Standards and Technology
- Connections between the data held in NASA (and other's) archives and the
refereed scientific literature (American Astronomical Society)
- What do we need?
- Interactive Forms
- Interfaces between http servers and SQL databases
- URNs
- Better HTML markup tools
- Standalone capabilities for WAIS (i.e., CD-ROMs)
- Enhanced character sets
- Scientific journals (ApJ) can require as many as 1200 different characters
- Contacting us
- STELAR Project
- stelar-info@hypatia.gsfc.nasa.gov
- National Space Science Data Center
- request@nssdca.gsfc.nasa.gov
- American Astronomical Society
- aas@blackhole.aas.org
- NSSDC Information Systems Development
- archie.warnock@gsfc.nasa.gov
I'm outta here!