Spectrographe DPSM
Double Passage Soustractif Multicanal
Multichannel Subtractive Double Pass
MSDP image in H alpha
(VTT, 9 simultaneous channels) - cliquer sur l'image (300 K octets)
MSDP image in H alpha
(Meudon, 7 monochromatic channels after computation) - cliquer sur l'image (187 K octets)
The MSDP system is a 2D imaging spectrograph, which allows to observe
a 2D field of view in several simultaneous channels (typically 9 to
30 simultaneous wavelengths in the line profile).
Inside each channel, the wavelength varies
linearly along the direction of dispersion. Between two contiguous
channels, there exists a translation of the wavelength of about 0.25 A (in
H alpha).
MSDP spectrographs operate at:
- The Meudon Solar Tower (a 60 cm vertical telescope with a
coelostat and a 14 m focal length spectrograph). The dectector is
a 70 mm movie camera; the seeing is rather good due to the
forest of Meudon (about 1"). The number of channels is 9 and the
field about 1' x 8'. Time resolution is a few seconds. H alpha line
and CaII infrared lines are currently used.
- The Turret Dome at Pic du Midi Observatory (2870 m). This is
a 50 cm refractor
(polarization free) with a 8 m focal length spectrograph. The detector
is a 70 mm movie camera; the seeing is currently 0.5" and reaches
sometimes 0.25" (the diffraction limit). The resolution of MSDP frames
is nevertheless 0.5", because
exposures times are long (100 ms); it would be better with a CCD.
The number of channels is 11 and the field
about 30" x 4'. Time resolution is a few seconds. H alpha and Na D lines
are currently observed.
- The Vacuum Tower Telescope operated by the Kippenheuer Institut
at the Teide Observatory (Tenerife, 2400 m).
This is a 60 cm vertical telescope with a
coelostat and a 15 m focal length spectrograph. The dectector is
a 1000 x 1000 CCD camera (12 bits)
and two lines can be observed simultaneously, as H alpha and CaII infrared
the seeing is currently better than 0.5"; the time exposure is short
(10 ms). 10 channels are available, and the field is 15" x 2'.
Time resolution is 11 seconds.
- The Coronograph of the Wroclaw Astronomical Institute
(a 50 cm objective with a 8 m focal length spectrograph). The dectector is
a 600 x 600 CCD video recordr (S-VHS).
A 8 bit frame grabber allows numerical analysis.
The seeing is about 0.5". The number of channels is 9 and the
field about 40" x 5.5'.
- A new MSDP system will operate on the polarization free telescope
THEMIS at the Teide Observatory (2370 m). THEMIS is a 90 cm telescope
allowing circular and linear analysis of the polarization of light. A tilting
mirror (active optics) will be available. The MSDP spectrograph will
provide 30 simultaneous channels in various lines. THEMIS will offer
20 CCD cameras (300 x 400) for simultaneous observations of several lines
in different states of polarization (Stokes parameters).
Some examples of results
MSDP intensity in H alpha
centre of an arch filament system
(VTT, Tenerife) - cliquer sur l'image
MSDP radial velocity in
H alpha
centre of an arch filament system
(VTT, Tenerife) - cliquer sur l'image
MSDP intensity in H alpha
wings of an arch filament system
(VTT, Tenerife) - cliquer sur l'image
MSDP radial velocity in
H alpha
wings of an arch filament system
(VTT, Tenerife) - cliquer sur l'image