
Welcome to the Paris-Meudon-Nançay Observatory.
Bienvenue à l'Observatoire de Paris-Meudon-Nançay.

PARIS                       MEUDON                  NANÇAY
61, Av. de l'Observatoire   5, Place Janssen        Station de Radioastronomie
75014 PARIS                 92195 MEUDON CEDEX      18330 NANCAY
tél : (1)-40-51-22-21       tél : (1)-45-07-75-30   tél : 48-51-82-41
FAX : (1)-43-54-18-04       FAX : (1)-45-07-74-69   FAX : 48-51-83-18


This is the W3 server of the Paris-Meudon-Nançay observatory. It contains:

General informations

Departments and scientific services

Shared services


Historical aspects

Science today

Anchors of other Observatories or Astronomical Institutes

There are also genral purpose services:

These WWW pages have been written by this dynamical team .

Comments or questions!

For all questions or bug report, please send us an e-mail to obsparis@obspm.fr --- Last modification: 2/2/95