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At the Golden Cannon Bar


This appears to be in a poor section of town, probably near the large outdoor flea market (or "fly market" as a Parisian friend called it) at St-Ouen (Porte de Clignancourt) on the outskirts of Paris. You might notice a transaction taking place in the background, which leads me to believe this is actually within the market. The rush of different people unmindful of one another made me, a New Yorker, feel more at home in Paris than I expected.

We didn't buy anything at the market, but we did enjoy real French fries (pommes frites) al fresco sitting next to an older German couple who were having problems with the waiter. I don't think the waiter realized Adora understood as he mocked the Germans in French. Obviously, the Germans did not understand; they thought the waiter was trying to communicate. It was interesting to note the stereotypical attitudes: the French resentment (or is it hate?) of the German and the German couple's superior and bossy attitude, which caused the Frenchman's remarks in the first place.

To me, this photo includes many icons of Paris and Parisians:

Can you help me identify some of the unknowns here?

  1. Where exactly is the Golden Cannon Bar? Is it near the flea market at St-Ouen? Wherever it is, is it still there?

  2. There's a reflection in the window of a sign depicting a cartoon cat. What is this? An advertisement?

  3. What kind of dog is the woman holding?

Some other sights at the flea market at St-Ouen:

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