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Mimes at the Beaubourg


The area around the Beaubourg (I think the natives call it that, although officially it is now known as the Pompidou Centre) was -- and may still be -- a great outdoor theater! There were mimes, a scraggly vagabond straddling a pipe-like stanchion, and a fire eater. The museum itself is great, as are many others in Paris.

Speaking of mimes, Adora and I stayed for a while with an American mime living in Paris. According to him, Paris is THE place to study mime (or is it miming?). Anyway, he took us to a mime theater to see a presentation of a famous Bertolt Brecht play, the name of which escapes me. I must admit that I speak very little French, but hey, this is mime! No sweat. Wrong! I can't explain it, but you had to know French to follow the story.