Welcome to YAHP (This one's V1.5)

I am a PING admin. Refer to the PING homepage to find more about PING e.V.

Things to check out:

My hobbies include: Sometimes, I even study computer science at the University of Dortmund, Germany (no, really!).
Back to fun 'n games:

My life.. err I mean Netrek

I'm one of the netrek draft league 1994's captains. Find out more about my team, the Dragon Troop!
I'm a proud member of the Euro-Twinks INL Netrek Team. I also enjoy playing for a team called Live by the sword of the '95 draft league, led by (a) Maniac. Finally, there's Biermacht (an old ENL team) and System Shock (still no web page), a team of the revived ENL where I play together with Dirk, (a.k.a. Slot scum) and Heiko (the famous Musashi), who got me involved with Netrek in the first place. Grr!

My identities...

I'm known as Courier, Pampers Phasers, Waste of Time, Ace of Base, Ultra Violence, ckun41, Nogger, Katakanamata and Deadlock on Netrek. On IRC, I'm Lunics or FunLover; on Crossfire I sometimes play as Cipher and my country in Empire is usually called Lorphos or Cope.

My V2.1 Geek Code

GCS d? H+>- s++:- g+++(-) p3@ au- a21 w+ v- C+++ ULUS+++$ P+>++ L++>+++ 3+ E
N+ K- !W@ M V po- Y+ t+@ !5>+ !j R !G tv b++ D+++ B-- e+ u>+@ h+> f r-> n y?

Since you're still reading, you may be looking for my address. Here it is (postcards welcome!):
   Sven Neuhaus
   Meitnerweg 13 / 214
   44227 Dortmund
If you want my phone number, just ask.
! Leave feedback if you have cool suggestions what to put here; or grab my PGP public key and use it to mail to my private computer.

Last but not least, you can check if I'm hanging out at the computer . .

Sven Neuhaus, 13th of April 1995
On to the links ... Surf the Net!