Quarterdeck Training Department

The training and services branch of Quarterdeck Office Systems, is the acknowledged industry leader in providing training and configuration services in memory management and multitasking software. To take advantage of this learning opportunity, and achieve your highest level of productivity... enroll in one of our classes today !!

Click the icons below, or call 1-800-LEARNDV for more info

Handle tough memory problems such as networks, multimedia, and other drivers and TSRs. Also use Manifest to diagnose memory configurations. Click the icon for a course description.
DVX 2.0DESQview/X 2.0
Integrate DOS/Windows/Unix applications accross your network and share resources more effectively. Click the icon for a course description.
Find out how to bring a Quarterdeck expert to your facility. This is the fastest, most effective way to make your PCs more productive. Click the icon for details.
The first in a series of Internet classes will be available soon. Everything from an introductory class to the art of publishing for fun and profit will be explored. Click the icon for details.
The latest listing of Quarterdeck courses scheduled in major cities. Click the icon for the schedule.
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