Silicon Graphics, Inc.


Bit V0.87 is now available via anonymous ftp from the following sites: (     /pub/bit  (   /pub/unix/sgi/graphics/bit

What is new ?

  1. Bug corrections (more than I care to enumerate).
  2. Image browser.
  3. Merge/overlay/concatenate images.
  4. Double buffering.
  5. More text styles (shadow, engraved and embossed).
  6. Hooked up FORM library 2.2a.
  7. Rewrote the event handling and the interface is a lot of faster and more intuitive.
  8. Many more minor improvements/enhancements.

What is bit ?

BIT stands for Bitmap Image Touchup and as its name implies, it is an INTERACTIVE FULL COLOR image VIEWER and EDITOR based on SiliconGraphics GL and runs on SGI workstations. The major features of bit include the following (and more):

Supported image formats:

And compressed version of the above formats.

We welcome feedback and comments at

Copyright © 1994, 1995 Silicon Graphics, Inc.