Silicon Graphics, Inc.

Software Portability with imake

                                by Paul DuBois
                         published by O'Reilly and Associates

                   365 pages; ISBN 1-56592-055-4; Price:  $27.95
We have just published the first guide to imake, the UNIX tool that helps software developers write portable programs. _Software Portability with imake_, by programmer Paul DuBois, explains how to make this tool do the "dirty work" by configuring projects where large numbers of parameters vary according to hardware manufacturer, operating system, or site.

The book is divided into two sections. The first section is a general explanation of imake, X configuration files, and how to write and debug an Imakefile. The second section describes how to write configuration files, and presents a configuration file architecture that allows development of coexisting sets of configuration files. The book provides documentation for imake and associated tools, as well as exercises to build hands-on experience. Several sets of configuration files are described and are available free over the Internet.

imake is a utility that works with make to enable code to be automatically configured, compiled and installed on different UNIX machines. imake makes possible the wide portability of the X Window System code and is widely considered to be an X tool, but it's also useful for any software project that needs to be ported to many UNIX systems.

Author Paul DuBois is a programmer at the Wisconsin Regional Primate Research Center at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The book's editor is Adrian Nye, editor of The X Resource and author of several of the books in our X Window System series.

This and other O'Reilly books are available in North America and South and Central America through bookstores or directly from the publisher. To contact: FAX (707/829-0104), phone 707/829-0515 (800/998-9938 in US & Canada), e-mail (, access our gopher catalog by "telnet login as gopher", or write O'Reilly & Associates, 103 Morris St., Sebastopol, CA., 95472, US. GSA # GS-02F-6095A

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O'Reilly & Associates
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