New: All branches except German history, German historical research, and discussion list logs closed down; gopher subtrees frozen. Please use the WWW Virtual Library via Kansas and send feedback to its maintainer, (Dec 15th, 1994) More German town and university histories added (Dec 2, 1994) Directories "Discussion threads of Mediev-L" updated (Oct 12, 1994) Several menus copied to WWW to include links not reachable via gopher. (Sep 8, 1994) Threads of Mediev-L discussion list log distributed among the gopher subdivisions. (Nov 18, 1993) This Subject Subtree is provisional and experimental. It needs - comments and corrections, - pointers to appropriate information, e.g. research project descriptions, - and volunteers to take over individual branches. Please write to Matthias Melcher, Nov 1993