Gervers, Michael
Academic status: Professor of History; Director of DEEDS Project
Phone number (optional): 416-287-7146 (University); 416-978-4882
(DEEDS Project)
Surface address: Division of Humanities, Scarborough Campus,
University of Toronto, 1265 Military Trail, Scarborough,
Ontario M1C 1A4
Research interests: analysis of English medieval property
exchange documents
(charters/conveyances/deeds) from the 12th and 13th centuries
(before such
records were generally dated in England), and the plotting of
data extracted
from the database onto a county map.
Greenberg, Hope
Userid@nodeid: HAG at uvmvm.BITNET HAG at
Institution: University of Vermont
Address: University Computing Services, UVM, Burlington, VT
Phone: (802) 656-1176
Biography: Born and raised on Long Island...(30 pages
recently moved to Vermont. Would be perpetual
student of
history (Brit late Plantagenets, USA 19th cent.
Supporting the history addiction by doing
training and support for academic computing.
Interests: (see B. Castiglione) music (was formerly a music
major: flute
voice, recorders: medieval, renaissance, baroque)
(you name it - I'll borrow it, although I try to
stay away
from most of this century) sample from this week's
list: D. Sayers (Whimsey and Dante), U. Eco
(Pendulum, and
Travels in Hypereality), Beecher family biography,
E.F. Benson
collection of articles on medieval women, C.S.
Lewis (reading
the Chronicles to my 6-year-old daughter), opera,
Interests to be pursued soon: developing
multimedia courseware
Organized, following a master career plan: No
Enjoying every minute of it: absolutely
Nofzinger, Lisa
Institution: Purdue University
Address: Dept. of History, Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, IN 47907
Phone: (317) 494-4122 (leave message at dept)
Biography: B.A. from Michigan State (political philosophy, James
College) in 1989. Currently a Masters student in European
Interests: Anglo-Saxon/Carolingian intellectual history, early
English history, current issues in education, reading for
Schriber, Carolyn
Userid@nodeid: SCHRIBER@RHODES
Institution: Rhodes College
Address: 2000 N. Parkway, Memphis, TN 38112
Phone: (901)726-3586
Biography: B.S. Ed., Kent State University, Ohio, 1960
M.A. and Ph. D in History, University of Colorado, 1988
Currently, Assistant Professor of History
Interests: English history (Norman Conquest, Domesday, etc.
through Tudor-Stuarts); medieval Normandy; 12th century church
history (Becket, etc.); havejust published monograph on Arnulf of
Lisieux; now working on translated edition of his letters.