------- CURRIE, Christopher Richard John Userid@nodeid:THRA004@UK.AC.ULCC.CMS (JANET) THRA004@CMS.ULCC.AC.UK from the United States. Institution:Institute of Historical Research, University of London Address:Victoria History of the Counties of England, Institute of Historical Research, University of London, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU, United Kingdom Phone:[044]-071-636-0272 Biography: M.A., D.Phil., Oxford (1976); assistant editor, Victoria History of Staffordshire, 1972-78; Deputy Editor of the Victoria County History since 1978; editor, Vernacular Architecture, 1980-2. Publications include chapters in five volumes of the Victoria History of the Counties of England and articles in various journals. Fellow of the Royal Historical Society; Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of London; founder member, Association for History and Computing; member, British Archaeological Association, Society for Medieval Archaeology, Staffordshire Record Society, Vernacular Architecture Group Interests: English local history; medieval history; vernacular architecture -----------------------------------------------------------------