------- LEASE, Gary Userid@nodeid: rehbock@ucscd.BITNET Institution: University of California, Santa Cruz Address: Santa Cruz, CA 95064 / USA Phone: (408) 459-2696 Biography: Dr.theol. from the University of Munich (1968), fired for heresy at Loyola-Marymount University in Los Angeles (1973), ran and chaired the Religious Studies program at the University of California, Santa Cruz until it self-destructed in 1979-80, two years at Goettingen as Student Abroad Supervisor for the University of California (1980-82), with the History of Consciousness program at Santa Cruz ever since (1980-present), Chair of History of Consciousness at various times, chair of Environmental Studies for three years (1986-89), Associate Chancellor (1989-90), currently Dean of Humanities (1990-present) Interests: History of Religions (Late Hellenistic, 19th and 20th century Germany), Theory of Religion (origins, politics and religion), German Judaism. Currently working on a biography and study of Hans-Joachim Schoeps, on a broad theory of religion, and on Byzantine archaeology in Upper Egypt -- also passionate, nay obsessed hunter: never go on a dig, or visit a congress without a gun in the suitcase and a hunt to follow the meetings or field work. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------- Mills, Harrianne Userid@nodeid: MillsH@VAX001.Kenyon.Edu Institution: Kenyon College Address: Classics Dept., Kenyon College, Gambier OH 43022 Phone: (614) 427-5295 Biography: BA (History) Windham College '70, MA (Classics) Stanford '79, ABD (Classics) Stanford. Taught Stanford '80-'81, U. Michigan '81-'82, Kenyon College '82-present. Interests: Ancient Greece, Greek Archaeology, Ancient Science, Modern Greece, Historiography -----------------------------------------------------------------