From: Sender: "dennis9349" <> To: Date: Tue, 10 May 94 10:54:46 EDT Subject: hoffmann, schwend/op bernhard et Could you please post a message on your 20th -century European.German history board requests for information on the following: Heinrich Hoffmann -- Hitler's personal photographer & director Haus der Kunst Friedrich Schwend -- distributor of counterfeit Pound notes in WWII from Operation/Unternehmen Bernhard, and his later activities via the Rat Lines to South America and Peru Fern Andra (Fern Edna Andrews) silent film actress in U.S. & Germany, her association with Georg Bluen (?aka Georg Spitz?) and the Fern Andra Film & Distribution Company of Berlin, which operated into the 1940s. Thank you. Dennis Whitehead (I hope that's the correct Internet address)