IUE Short Wavelength spectra of the Jupiter southern aurora on 17 July 1994.



IUE Short Wavelength spectra of the Jupiter southern aurora on 17 July 1994.

The two pictures show the spatially resolved spectrum of the south aurora of Jupiter on July 17 after the impacts with the SL-9 comet fragments have started. The spectra were obtained with the SWP camera (1100-2000 A) using the large aperture which was centered at -60 degrees latitude on the Jovian central meridian. The signature of the aurora are the emission-like features at the top edge of the spectra near the center of the image and those close to the Lyman alpha line (on the left) which fills in the whole aperture. These are the Werner and Lyman bands produced by H2. The change of these features is apparent between the two spectra taken four hours apart. This shows the temporal and spatial evolution of the auroral emission which is also present in the images obtained by HST of both south and northern aurorae. Both studies, with IUE and HST, are complementary.