- Author, Author! - A very valuable starting point for locating web pages on major authors and electronic libraries!
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- on-line books, magazines
- English Server at CMU - An enormous archive with contemporary and classic works of fiction, drama, poetry and criticism.
- Ethnic (29)
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- Fiction (51)
- Freethought Web - Collection of freethought lit by such authors as Charles Bradlaugh, Joseph McCabe, Charles Watts, and Thomas Paine. Complete works of Robert G. Ingersoll
- Gutenberg EText World Wide
- Institutes (6)
- Journals (10)
- Literary E-zines@ (91)
- Literature and Medicine (Medical Humanities) - an annotated bibliography of prose and poetry, which is being developed as a dynamic, accessible, comprehensive resource in medical humanities.
- Mailing Lists (1)
- Modernism Timeline - An ongoing, collaborative project- anyone with an interest in culture, history, politics, or literature between 1890 and 1940 (primarily in English) should take a look and make comments.
- Mysteries (6)
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- Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror (164)
- Virtual Beret Archives - Perceptions of the Artist in the Online World is a collection of short pieces of creative writing on the theme: "Invent an Artist".
- Writing@ (40)
- Indices (6)
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