- Academy One Education - Administered by Linda@nptn.org (Linda Delzeit)
- AIMS Education Foundation
- Aldershot Elementary's G7 Survey for Kids - Aldershot Elementary has been commissioned to do a survey of elementary school students for the upcoming G7 Summit in Halifax. What question would you like to ask the G7 leaders ?
- American Cybercasting Corp. - combines the best current commercial resources together with the Internet's educational information into one powerful curricular tool.
- Ames Research Center K-12
- Armadillo's WWW Server - Providing resources and a view of the future to the K-12 educational community.
- Beacon School Site - Beacon School Site has been granted a three year NSF grant titled "Community of Learners". The project focuses on the development and installation of the infrastructure for a community-based computer network.
- Building Blocks to Reading - Fun learning activities for young children. Childcare provider and parenting information.
- Camp T-Equity - Camp T-Equity is a day camp program designed to encourage girls' participation in science and mathematics through technology immersion.
- Canada's SchoolNet - resource for Canadian teachers and students
- Cisco Educational Archive and Resources Catalog
- CNIDR K12 Information Home Page
- College Guide - a comprehensive database containing overviews and college admissions info for a number of colleges and universities throughout the United States.
- College Preparatory Schools (22)
- Common Knowledge: Pittsburgh - CK:P
- Companies@ (18)
- Computers for Schools, Detwiler Foundation - Collects donations of used computers from businesses and individuals, reconditions them and places them in schools.
- Conferences (2)
- Countries (22)
- CTDNet Gallery - contains works from an expanding list of K-12 gifted/talented students, including writings, art, midi files, and quicktime movies.
- Duke University Talent Identification Program - A program which identifies academic talent in children and teenagers. Benefits include summer programs, publications, advanced classes, networking and support.
- Edric's Educational Resources - Educational resources and links for all levels (teachers and students), from kindergarden to high school, arranged by subject.
- Educational Software Institute - The world's largest and finest collection of educational software.
- EdWeb - The On-Line K-12 Resource Guide
- Elementary Schools (101)
- ERIC Clearinghouse on Assessment
- ERIC Web Pages - Education Information - if this is what you are looking for go no further - we have over 850,000 documents
- European Schools Project (ESP) - ESP is a school networking project between pupils from 350+ schools in 21 countries. Leading idea within ESP are collaborative distance learning projects, teletrips, designed by teachers.
- Explorer Home Page - The Explorer (Alpha) is part of a research and development effort to establish an on time and user friendly means of delivering a full range of information resources to educators and students.
- Fuzzy Logic: Destination Everywhere
- Visit Fuzzy and his friends as they explore space, the net and more!
- GENII - Group Exploring the National Information Infrastructure has been established to facilitate the training of classroom teachers in skills that are necessary to use the latest digital communications protocols; that is, teach teachers how to utilize the myriad resources of the Internet (the precursor of the NII) so that they can incorporate the technology into their lesson plans.
- GeoLinks for Geography Teaching
- Geometry Forum
- Gifted Youth (8)
- Global Schoolhouse Project (3)
- GNN Education Center - Explore the online magazine and interactive curriculum centers
- High Schools (193)
- Indian Education (2)
- Internet for Kids, Inc.
- IPL Youth Division - Byte into Books with Bookie
- Israeli English Teachers Network - A professional on-line support group for English teachers to help ease the English teacher onto the Internet.
- K-12 Electronic Guide for African Resourceson the Internet
- K-12 Mentoring in Biological Sciences - A mentoring program between Rochester City Schools and University of Rochester scientists, faculty and staff.
- K-12 Resources
- K-12+ Servers [tenet.edu]
- K12Net
- Kid's Web - A World Wide Web Digital Library for Schoolkids
- KidProv - An arts-in-education improv comedy troupe. Focusing on different ways of creative thinking.
- Kids Net - Get Colorado kids on the information superhighway!
- Kids on Campus 1994 - Home Page
- Kids' College 94 - Introduction - Kids' College, a program sponsored by the Ingham Intermediate School District and Michigan State University, has 240 third and fourth graders who are studying either Rocks, Forestry, Water or Flight.
- KnowBase - A database of articles of intrest to teenagers and students. ie book reviews, product reviews and student recreation/activities.
- Latitude28 Schoolhouse - a lauching point for kids onto the Internet. The Schoolhouse contains original content including: a complete online children's book amd a U.S. map game. Additionally, the Schoolhouse has links to great educational sites all over the world. The focus of the Schoolhouse will be on Tampa Bay area schools.
- Leadership, Education and Athletics in Partnership - a non-profit organization which help inner-city kids get ahead. This site details the program, the curriculum, and the resources used by LEAP.
- LiveText - being developed by Institute for Learning Technologies, Teachers College, and Columbia University to provide K-12 related resources and to deliver networked multimedia resources and K-12 curricular development support to New York State schools.
- Macro Press Incorporated - 9 elementary teachers got tired of making excuses for poor teaching materials, so they spent their time and money writing their own.
- Magnet Schools (14)
- Main Street School - Main Street School is a 6-8 grade middle school in the heart of the Salinas Valley.
- Mars Surveyor MENU - The Arizona Mars K-12 Education Program Presents the Mars Surveyor MENU. This is a service of our education outreach program and not an official NASA function.
- Math and Science Education@ (71)
- MATHMOL --K-12 Mathematics and Molecules
- Maui High Performance Computing Center K12 Resources - MHPCC's contribution to K12 education. Provides WWW /HTML guides, how-to's, and a seperate resource list for K-6 and 7-12.
- Microsoft K-12 Resources
- Middle Schools (47)
- Mosaic Tutorial - for k-12 educators
- Mt. Hood Academy - A School for Ski Racers
- National Institute on the Education of At-Risk Students
- Newspapers@ (28)
- Products@ (30)
- Programs (7)
- Publications (5)
- Reinventing Schools: The Technology Is Now
- Resource Page for K-12 Instructors
- School Districts (63)
- Serendip - Interactive resources in the area of brain and behavior
- SLUMMIT - a language-arts instructional magazine, asks readers to respond critically to student, teacher and guest literature and art.
- Snunit educational information system
- Space Educator's Handbook - Electronic interactive space encyclopedia of info.
- STEM~Net - an educational computer network for professional K-12 and public college educators in Newfoundland and Labrador.
- Stone Soup education model
- Summer Internet Camp - including home pages of the participants!
- Teacher Technology Center - state-of-the art facility assist teachers to use technology to implement the philosophy and tenets of each subject-matter Framework.
- Teacher's Edition Online - A newsletter of teaching ideas, hints and lesson plans from an elementary grade 4-5 multiyear (looping) class.
- TeacherTalk - is a public conferencing system for K-12 educators on the Internet's World-Wide-Web. Teacher Talk offers users an extremely easy to use system for sharing ideas, engaging in debate, or simply getting to know one's colleagues around the world.
- The Cyberspace Middle School - designed for students in the sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth grades who are using the World Wide Web to help get an education.
- UnderWood Technology Committee
- University of Illinois Education Learning Resource Server - provides electronic learning resources for K-12 teachers and students, pre-service teachers, education faculty members and educational researchers.
- Videodiscovery - Laserdisc and CD-ROM multimedia for science and math education. Cool science facts, sample science lessons, a guide to Internet education resources, sample science lessons, educational technology primers, and more.
- Weather (2)
- Web 66
- to facilitate the introduction of WWW technology into K12 schools.
- WebSite for Busy Teachers - Site is organized by subject area and affords direct links to source materials of use to K-12 teachers.
- Westmont Hilltop World Cultures Hot List (1)
- FAQ - Primary and Secondary School Internet User
- Indices (16)
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