- Alex Catalogue
- A Catalogue of Electronic Texts on the Internet, contains 1800 entries for on-line books and shorter texts.
- Authors (130)
- Bibliophile Mailing List (2)
- Book Catalogues and Book Clubs List
- Bookbinding and Conservation (6)
- Bookplex - Excerpts of best-sellers (including The Bob Book), and interviews with popular authors, such as Anne Rice, Clive Barker and Dominick Dunne.
- Books by Dr. Joyce Shira Starr - Two books: "Faxes To God"-Real Life Prayers To The Heaven "Covenant over Middle Eastern Waters"-illuminates the spiritual view of water set forth in the Bible
- Books Online (4)
- Bookstores@ (382)
- Bullets and Beer: The Spenser Page - A page devoted to Robert B. Parker's literary Boston private eye, Spenser.
- Canyon Park Orchard Gate
- Children' Books@ (22)
- Christian Literature@ (4)
- Collectors@ (4)
- Electronic Books at Wiretap
- Electronic journals - sci-fi
- Electronic Literature@ (44)
- on-line books, magazines
- Events (2)
- Great Books of Western Civilization
- Gutenberg EText World Wide
- Internet Book Information Center (IBIC)
- Libraries@ (256)
- Literature@ (603)
- McNaughton Collection Online - provides a list of current, popular, fiction and non-fiction books, and a description of each title.
- Metrophage
- Mysteries@ (6)
- Organizations (1)
- Publishers Weekly Bestseller Lists
- Publishers' Catalogs Home Page - comprehensive list of publishers and their catalogs
- Publishing@ (463)
- Rare Books (2)
- Readers' and Writers' Resource Page - A page for people who love books, reading and writing. There are sources for books online, book stores, references; as well as sources for writers.
- Reviews (24)
- Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror@ (164)
- Shadowlands - Watch a book being written day by day, or E-Mail to the author to take part in the writing.
- Story of the Week - Short story of the week. Open to submissions. Complete Web Resource Center online.
- Story Web - Story structure resource for fiction, film,and game writers.
- Survival Bible - This book is on Survival for all climates and conditions. A resume gathered bit by bits over 20 years, from 67 books & more to come!
- Titles (31)
- UNCAT Database - Catalog of UNCATaloged titles not generally available in a bookstore or library. Titles from businesses, nonprofit groups, trade associations, museums etc.
- FAQ - rec.arts.books
- Indices (5)
- Usenet (7)
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