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Corporate Fact Sheet

The Mission
To be the world's best guide for information and online discovery.

The Philosophy
Yahoo!, first and foremost, is a service to the Internet community. The basic Yahoo! service will remain free, useful and non-intrusive to users. Revenues will be put toward sustaining growth and further development of Yahoo! to better serve the Net community.

The Product
Through use of a hierarchical index and search engine, Yahoo! helps turn the unwieldy content of the Net into something grasp-able and meaningful. Yahoo! has developed a set of features to help do just that.

Search Engine - Yahoo!'s search engine enables users to find information about topics of interest through simple keyword queries. Searches can be restricted to titles, Uniform Resource Locator (URL) addresses or comments. Boolean searches can also be performed. Search results are returned along with their locations within Yahoo!'s hierarchical index.

Content - Yahoo!'s newsfeeds and other timely content keep Internet users abreast of the latest developments on and off the Net. A news summary page allows users to quickly scan current news and identify stories of interest. Complete articles can be retrieved by simply clicking on related story summaries. Yahoo! also highlights Internet sites that contain information about current events.

Our Users
Users are the lifeblood of Yahoo! A lot of what you see on this site has been inspired by the feedback of Yahoo! users. By clicking on Yahoo!'s "Add URL" button, users can submit Web pages to be added to one or more categories in Yahoo!'s index.

The History
Created in April 1994, Yahoo! began as a hobby of two Stanford University Electrical Engineering Ph.D. students - David Filo and Jerry Yang - who saw the need to help people navigate through the overwhelming content of the Internet and gather meaningful information. In April 1995, Filo and Yang took a leave of absence from Stanford to make Yahoo! an even more intuitive and efficient guide. They now work on Yahoo! full time along with a bunch of other yahoos.

The Money
Yahoo! is a privately funded company.

The Founders
David Filo, Chief Yahoo Filo, 28, a native of Moss Bluff, La., co-created the Yahoo! online guide in April 1994, and took a leave of absence from Stanford University's electrical engineering PhD program in April 1995 to co-found Yahoo! Corp. Filo received a BS in computer engineering from Tulane University and a MS in electrical engineering from Stanford University. He sleeps every third night.

Jerry Yang, Chief Yahoo Yang, 26, is a Taiwanese native who was raised in San Jose, Calif. He co-created the Yahoo! online guide in April 1994 and co-founded Yahoo! Corp. in April 1995. Yang is currently on a leave of absence from Stanford University's electrical engineering PhD program and holds a BS and MS degree in electrical engineering from Stanford University. Jerry is a total hack at the game of golf, but likes to play in his spare time anyway.

The End
Copyright © 1994-95 Yahoo! Corp.