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Yes, it is possible to get torn muscles, broken bones, stitches, colds, hiccups, giggle fits, and even to die a miserable, terrifying death while engaged in the sports discussed in Adrenaline.

Anybody who thinks they'll never get hurt playing sports is nuts. Be careful, know your limits, and take responsibility for yourself.

Or, as our Director of Operations and lawyer-interface so eloquently puts it:

The information presented in this section is collected from a variety of sources and is provided for your general information and entertainment only. We accept no responsibility for errors and omissions contained in the information presented here. Weather, water, tide, slide, snow and other conditions can change quickly and dramatically: you should always check and verify the conditions.

Climbing, mountain biking, surfing, whitewater sports, and other activities covered in HotWired carry a significant risk of personal injury or death. We do not recommend that people participate in these activities (which probably aren't as fun as they are cracked up to be) unless they are knowledgeable about the risks involved, and are willing to personally assume all responsibility associated with those risks.

HotWired is not responsible for any claims arising from misuse of the information presented here. Use your best judgment. Assess the conditions, the demands of the activity, the condition of your equipment, and the limits of your skills and abilities. You participate at your own risk.


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