The Virtual Desert

This page is intended as a resource for those who love the desert,
and those who want to learn more about it.

It is compiled and maintained by Lenadams Dorris, who will make every effort to keep it up-to-date and full of interesting things. A picture of a desert cardinal is here in graphical 
browsers You can help by e-mailing your suggestions.

weather, or not...

Here's the forecast for the weather in the Mojave, Lower Colorado, Lower Sonoran, Upper Sonoran, Great Basin and Chihuahuan deserts. If this inspires you to make a visit, you might want to take take a look at the schedule for the Desert Wind, a wonderful train that runs from Chicago to Los Angeles through the desert.

one stop shopping

The University of Arizona offers the Office of Arid Lands Studies home page. From there, you can access the Arid Lands Information Center, the AZ Remote Sensing Center, the SW Center for Natural Products Research and Commercialization, the Chile Linkages Project and the International Arid Lands Consortium, plus a heaping handful of other great resources.One of the WEB's best resources...

hot links

There's a lot of desert resources on the's just a few, organized by subject.

The newest edition of The Dust Devil, the digest of desert-related web sites, is now here, along with archives of older issues.

Please visit the Home Page for The WELL's Desert Conference. You might also want to visit Lenadams Dorris, creator of these pages and denizen of the actual desert.

Lenadams Dorris (

Last modified 7 October 1995